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DeityCreative Help Guide

Discussion in 'Creative General' started by KILL3RTACO, April 25, 2013.

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    This is a general guide for anything involving DeityCreative.

    There are few limits to plots:

    • You can only have one plot per rank
    • You can only build on the plot that corresponds to your rank
    When you first claim a plot, you can build on it as much as you like. The server assumes that the bigger the plot is, the more time it has to take you in order to finish. Because of this assumption, you must wait one day times your rank in order to request a promotion, from the time that you claim the plot (e.g the first rank you must wait one day, the second rank you must wait two days, etc.).

    Commands in Creative are simple, usually only requiring one argument (or none).

    KEY - [optional] <required>

    This command has different functionalities.

    If you are on the creative world: Shows help
    If you are not on the creative world: Teleports you to the creative world

    /c allow-comments [#/*]
    Using this command will allow comments for your plot(s).

    /c allow-comments: Allow comments on your current plot
    /c allow-comments #: Allow comments for your #th plot
    /c allow-comments *: Allow comments for all your plots

    /c awards
    Use this command to see what awards you have been given

    /c claim
    Use this command to claim a new plot

    /c clear <yourname>
    Use this command to clear your plot. You must type your name in order to use it.

    Trivia: People have accidentally typed this command before (on one occurance, instead of /c home)
    Warning: If you have a bigger plot, it may crash the server. Be careful

    /c comment <message>
    Standing in a plot and typing this command will add a comment for that plot. You must be level 3 or higher to use this command

    /c comments [#/*] [page]
    Use this command to see the comments made on your plots when the reviewers looked it over.

    /c comments: View comments all your plots
    /c comments #: View comments for your #th plot
    /c comments *: View all comments for all your plots

    Tip: Add another number to go to a certain page

    /c follow <name>
    Use this command to follow another player.

    Following players will give you alerts. These alerts include, but are not limited to, when who you are following is promoted and when they put their plot up for review.

    /c followers
    Use this command to see who is following you

    /c home
    Using this command will teleport you to your current plot

    /c info [player]
    View information about yourself or another player. This information includes their rank, when they were last online, and how many likes the player has received.

    /c info: View information about yourself
    /c info player: View information about another player

    /c like
    Standing in a plot and using this command will 'like' the owner's plot. They will be able to see how many likes they have and who liked what plots.

    Tip: You cannot like your own plots!

    /c likes [#/*]
    Use this command to see who liked your plots

    /c likes: View who liked all of your plots
    /c likes #: View who liked your #th plot
    /c likes *: View who liked all of your plots

    /c player-comments [#/*] [page]
    View the comments made by other players on your plot(s)

    /c player-comments: View comments for all your plots
    /c player-comments #: View comments for your #th plot
    /c player-comments *: View comments for all your plots

    Tip: Add another number to go to a certain page

    /c plotinfo [plot-id]
    View info about a plot. This includes who owns the plot and how many likes it has received.

    /c plotinfo: View information about the plot your standing in
    /c plotinfo plot-id: View information about the plot with the given id

    /c prevent-comments [#/*]
    Using this command will prevent comments from being made on your plot(s).

    /c prevent-comments: Prevent comments on your current plot
    /c prevent-comments #: Prevent comments for your #th plot
    /c prevent-comments *: Prevent comments for all your plots

    /c ranks
    View the list of ranks in creative. An arrow will also be included to show which rank corresponds to you

    /c review
    When you are finished building your plot, type this command.

    /c tp <player> [#]
    Teleport to a player's plot.

    /c tp player: Teleport to a player's current plot.
    /c tp player #: Teleport to a player's #th plot

    Tip: This does not teleport you to a player!

    /c tpid <plot-id>
    Teleport to a plot with a given id

    /c tprandom
    Teleport to a random plot.

    /c tprank <rank>
    Teleport to the first plot with the given rank. The rank given can be a number or the name of a rank

    /c unclaim
    Use this command to unclaim your plot.

    Trivia: A mistake of mine led this command to fill the plot with bedrock.

    /c unfollow <name>
    Unfollow a player

    /c version
    View the current version of the DeityCreative plugin.

    Cuboid Commands

    Cuboid Limits

    • Rank 3 - 20
    • Rank 4 - 35
    • Rank 5 - 50
    • Rank 6 - 75
    /z block [block/pattern]
    Creates a solid block. If no block or pattern is specified, the plugin will attempt to use the block you are holding. Requires Rank 3+

    /z distr
    Lists the block distribution between two points. Useful for building your building on Main.

    /z hollow [block/pattern]
    Like /z block, but is hollowed out. Requires Rank 3+

    /z line [block/pattern]
    Creates a line. Requires Rank 3+

    /z measure
    Counts blocks as if by L x W x H. Does not measure the distance.

    /z paint [block/off]
    Turns PaintMode on (or off). When paint mode is on, blocks you destroy turn into the block specified. If no block is specified, the plugin will attempt to use the block you are holding.

    /z place [block]
    Places a block beneath your feet. Useful for building mid-air things. If no block is specified, Stone will be placed.

    /z replace <blocks-to-replace> <block/pattern>
    Replaces blocks. Blocks can be separated with commas (ex - stone,air,water) to replace multiple blocks. Requires Rank 3+

    /z walls [block/pattern]
    Like /z hollow, but without the "floor" or "ceiling" (creates walls). Requires Rank 3+
    Last edited: December 29, 2013
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