1. Play on the ImDeity Minecraft Multiplayer server -- Goto the "Multiplayer" section of Minecraft and type "mc.imdeity.com" to join!
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Comments on Profile Post by cliff777

  1. Magnumfin
    That's not protesting... that's borderline terrorism.
    March 29, 2012
  2. cliff777
    Not sure if its a hoax or if they will actually try this...it seems they have a place to download the file, so they seem pretty determined. We'll just have to wait and see.
    March 29, 2012
  3. Magnumfin
  4. cliff777
    Thought so. But it looks like they have the ability to do so, or at least the knowledge...
    March 29, 2012
  5. Magnumfin
    Sure, it's actually quite easy to do such an attack. But I don't think that they have the ability, as it would take huuuge amounts of computers to shut down even a single one of those servers. They simply don't have that many followers. It might even be impossible to bring down all the servers at once.
    March 29, 2012