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Comments on Profile Post by Fiver26

  1. Qazz
    Well I mean, PvP I'm sure has been frequently talked about in game, otherwise there wouldn't have been the turnout I had heard of it having. Probably just missed in-game announcements.
    January 12, 2016
  2. Fiver26
    I have hear 1 person talk about it in game, and this suggestion is mainly for those who dont even go in game that often but checkt he site regularly
    January 12, 2016
  3. smcallah
    Please vote
    January 12, 2016
  4. Vershye
    You mean the PvP Event that never went away, just nobody showed up on the server to play it so we didn't actually have one?
    January 12, 2016
  5. Fiver26
    About a year ago I clearly remember being told that with the reset meant the reworking of the events world so events ended up being canceled until further notice. A year later and Im just (like, 2 weeks ago) learning that the events are actually back. If the canceling of events wasnt true you can bet your butt that that is what a majority of people were told via others around the time of the reset last year
    January 12, 2016