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Comments on Profile Post by Cantwait2bhome

  1. L0rd23
    July 18, 2012
  2. Cantwait2bhome
    Eww. No way, jose. I prefer ginger on my sushi.
    July 18, 2012
  3. L0rd23
    ew i hate sushi i just said wassabi coz its like sooo hot but really nummy... again like the ghost pepper
    July 18, 2012
  4. Cantwait2bhome
    Haha. I like hot stuff, but wasabi just has a nasty bitter taste to it. As for the sushi, if you hate it, then that means you haven't had any good sushi. There's so many different kinds there's bound to be something out there you like.
    (Also, I previously watched that ghost pepper video of yours. lol)
    July 18, 2012