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War kits list

Discussion in 'Help / Support / Guides' started by ImDeity, February 26, 2014.

  1. Dragonslayer314


    February 21, 2013
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    To be fair, there are often more people shooting in large games, so although you may not get the kill with a bow, the kill is usually gotten with a bow.
  2. TiitanX


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    November 17, 2012
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    I see where you are coming from Typo, but I still believe that swords can be over-powered. With a bow it is near impossible to get MVP, as many kills will be stolen by swordsmen or other bowmen, while with a sword it is not much of a challenge. I also believe that the addition of a power V bow without the addition of a sharpness V sword helps support my point. I think the "wow" class was created to be a sort of sniper, so bowmen aren't just hoping for a lucky hit that got the kill.

    I agree that spamming of flint and steal would be horrible, so maybe I should have been more specific when I said "Limited uses/lowered durability". When I said limited use, I meant a couple uses. Maybe one or two flames. In hindsight, the flint and steal doesn't even suit marksmen the best. It would make more sense(I am not saying that this is in any way is the "best" tactic) to give the swordsmen the flint and steal to counteract the OP bow. It would give close range swordsmen a chance to deal some damage to the archer from medium range or whilst the bowman tries to run/kite. Just brainstorming a little for the people who like out-of-the-box gameplay, I am actually more of a vanilla guy myself.
    Last edited: February 28, 2014
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  3. Dragonslayer314


    February 21, 2013
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    Just because swords get more kills does not make them OP. It's a riskier style of play than sniping that often gives greater rewards.
  4. scoutdog75


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    Well honestly after playing I think all of the classes need major change. I think having some slightly pro-bow or pro-sword classes would be good but some classes are not fair at all.
    The Wow Class needs to be removed or the bow reduced all the way to Power I and Juggernaut reduced to Sharp II. Though fire is fun, after talking with Typo I think in some classes it isn't. If you are to make a fire bow make a fire sword to make it a fire class basically but in order to balance it have it be on a wooden sword vs Sharpness on an Iron Sword for example. Selectable classes may be a smart direction to go in because some people do not want to be forced into one type of fighting. No matter what happens, none of these classes should be too OP like Wow and Juggernaut are. You shouldn't get killed off of a couple lucky shots or 1-2 hits from a sword. The best person at war should indeed have the best pvping skills.
    Typodestoyer and Dragonslayer314 like this.
  5. Dragonslayer314


    February 21, 2013
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    Yeah, right now, each kit besides Basic (+ Cloud Warrior) has HUGE issues that make it irritating and much less fun than before.

    Fatninja: Fire sword is very underpowered in strength due to the fact that it's wooden, and the fire is much too irritating.
    Juggernaut: Sword too OP, fire bow sucks. (forces combat style)
    Wow: Bow WAY too OP (forces combat style)
    Axeplode: Axe too UP, fire bow sucks

    In other words, fire in general as a mechanic does not mix well with war. Since I despise these 4 kits, it means that every match has a 2/3 chance of basically automatically sucking. Honestly, I'd rather go back to the old war setup than have this, but I'd prefer what I earlier suggested to both.
  6. Musician10


    • Vip
    April 20, 2013
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    The kits that need some change now are 3,4, and 5.

    Kit 3, Cloud Warrior
    - I don’t really like this kit, but mainly because it is difficult to kill people when they are driven away form you by a knock back form sword or arrow. It is very even though and the only change I would make would be some projectile protection armor.
    Kit 4, The Juggernaut - I enjoy this kit a lot, especially when fighting from a distance, up close the sword is too powered. Make it a wooden sword to lessen its power, or add a splash potion of healing.
    Kit 5, Wow - I absolutely love this kit. It is easy to kill and the games are more fun with more kills. The bow, however, is almost to amazing, I would add another splash potion of health to allow people to live longer.

    Kits 1,2, and 6 need no change now. I think the fire aspect is a great way to mix up PVP, but should perhaps be limited to maps with a water source.
    Overall I think its a great improvement to war and is bring it new life. Thank You very much for working to bring about this new feature.
  7. Driver_X


    April 15, 2012
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    My time to post here (just a bit late)

    My general opinion on the kits is: 'I don't like them' :D Not just being a hater, most likely I was expecting something different... Anyway,

    Fire aspect weapons: They are flow breakers. Usually we worry about attacking the other player, but when things go hot (literally) you gotta stop and run to the nearest water source, also, fire damage turns off run 'mode', so you can't really fight back or run away. I find it very annoying when I get close to attack someone and I'm hit with an fire arrow, it is almost a 'game-over'. Not to mention how some maps were made without taking fire into consideration (water sources).

    Golden apples: Seemed interesting at first, but I feel they are just a health boost for start. The regeneration effect is too short to be worth the risk of fighting prior to eating it (and make use of the 2 extra hearts). Unless the objective it to give players 2 extra hearts, a bottle of Regeneration (not the extended one) would be more useful/strategic. Would you drink it just before attacking and make sure you win, or drink it after and use it's full regen powers?

    Different sets of weapons: I have no complaints about them, except for the fire weapons like I have said above, I find interesting the complaints I hear though lol
    Between the lines of the 'unbalanced' complaints, I think the problem is that they are forcing players to leave their confort zone: If you are more of a sword guy, you will have problems with Wow kit, the oppose for Axeplode kit. If the idea is that, for every kit, bows and swords are equivalent, there is no point on having different kits. All that would change is how fast people die depending on the damage of the kit.
    I had my own idea of what the kits would be like when I first heard of them, the kit that approaches it most is Cloud Warrior, but I'll talk about that later.

    Potions: Might be the only thing I have liked. For me, they are the only 'new' feature we have, every other is just a modification of kits. When I say new, I mean that it is something that brings up new possibilities, not like a extra powered bow that makes you change your focus from swords.
    Harming potions are very good for combat, you can either throw them on a fierce attack on Typo a pvp'r that is better than you, or smash it between those 4 guys that are teaming on everyone, for it's AoE damage, simply perfect :D The speed potion would be more useful if it was a splashy, so you could use them to run away when things go bad.

    That is just me xD Now what I'd like to see, dunno how far it is possible to do though:

    I was expecting that kits would bring something new to the game, without causing much impact on playstyle (at the same time it does lol), for example, Cloud Warrior kit. It could even have (instead of wooden sword) balanced/equivalent swords and bows, what I like is the feather falling + knockback weapons feel of low gravity, or 'cloud fighting'. It is something that changes the fight completely, while (it could) not force players to choose between bows or swords, play however they like while adapting to the new 'feature' add to the game.
    I know there are not many options in that case: Giving players long lasting speed potions for a fast paced match (maybe a slightly more powerful bow, due the challenge to hit a fast target); Short invisibility potions, while everyone has stronger weapons balanced with tougher armor, that way, the invisible guy would have to risk his skin (no armor) to benefit the invisibility, maybe just enough to get behind enemy lines. Using commands, potions effects could be applied to everyone for new or not so good effects: Strength, Jump Boost, Speed, Slowness, Blindness, Nausea... Back into simplicity: Enderpearls; Going to completely random/crazy: Wolves xDD

    There are my weird ideas.
    gl hf ;)
    Last edited: March 8, 2014
    scoutdog75 and Dragonslayer314 like this.
  8. Dragonslayer314


    February 21, 2013
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    Wow. Very wisdom. Such agree. So accuracy. Wow.
    Driver_X and scoutdog75 like this.

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