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Stephfork's fantastical one year post

Discussion in 'Kingdoms General' started by Stephfork, May 13, 2013.

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  1. Stephfork


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    May 13, 2012
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    So, I felt it would be best to post my memories and experiences/stories of my time on the server rather than thank certain people(and then be bugged by whoever else I didn’t include), just because as a whole, i’d like to thank everyone. In my opinion the best way for me to celebrate a year is to look back on the memories to date and remind myself and readers of little things that make this community great. This community is so special and really has made this year a blast. So, thank you to everyone who makes this server as great as it is and here’s to many more months and years of my pixel self on the server. I’ll first have a somewhat condensed summary of my time on the server, mostly focusing on times within towns and after that, I’ll have some stories of memories that I’d like to hold onto.

    My Story:
    It was a year ago today, on May 13th 2012, that I stumbled upon ImDeity Kingdoms on a Minecraft top server website. The server was in the top 3 or 4 servers on the top minecraft server website that I was looking at and immediately I was interested by the concept of towns and what could be offered. At this point, I had been playing single player for almost a year, starting in Spring 2011 and had finally gotten bored(clearly, I do not bore easily).

    So I joined the server and immediately upon joining I took in the new atmosphere, lots of text in chat and the server spawn from the last map. I took no time to wander around and immediately jumped into one of the directional portals and somehow ended up wandering through Sunshine Isles. I was pretty lost and didn’t understand anything that was going on, except for the fact that I had found a town. Somehow, BarryX15 being the stalker that he is, managed to find me. In summary, he helped me get familiar with commands and understanding the server and brought me to his town, Veligrad, which I joined and worked hard in for a few months and obtained the role of assistant. A lot of my time was spent helping fellow townies and replanting the Veligrad noob forest once or a few times a week, along with some building here and there. Barry really helped me become the player and builder I am today and without him things may have turned out different.

    I then decided I wanted to have more freedom, so I decided to create an alt and join Doha during last Summer. I created an alt because I didn’t really want to leave Veligrad because of it’s importance to me. I spent a few months in Doha working hard as an assistant and made many friends through the town. During these Summer months I made friendships that have lasted almost a year now. Last Summer was definitely full of memories and experiences I will never forget.

    As the summer months came to a close, some fellow members of my ‘clique’ and I decided we wanted to make a town as a group. This was the creation of the first Vesis in September 2012. It was decided that Pescotti would be mayor, I would be the builder/visionary, bokanella the socialite, and Taco would just code, follow me around, and be awesome. The town was pretty chaotic, and not organized well, but it had our little group of friends(or ‘clique’) and a nice community. So although this Vesis had a month of existence, it was probably for the best, as the town did not get off to a solid start.

    Then came the October 2012 reset. I remember the night of it happening, I chose to stay up almost until sunrise to solidify a spot for the new and improved Vesis. At around 5:00am I think, Vershye, myself and a couple others found ourselves wandering to the North of the map together, and planned out the best spots for our respective towns. I ended up choosing the location for the current Vesis town. At first, the town gained residents fast, some people promising only temporarily until their certain towns were created. This was no problem for us, as we appreciated the resident taxes from them. However, this led to some fast expansion within the first few days and this also led to sloppy flattening and the filling in of some rivers and water bodies. Since then, the town has moved more into a position where Pescotti and I run it together, along with the help of our past, current and future town staff members. Anyway, in Vesis there’s always a handful of projects going on and even with around 150 residents, it’s definitely a fairly active town with a small friendly community of veterans/well-known players. I’m a crazy busy lady and I often find myself juggling several building projects for the town, myself and people/friends in other towns. However, I almost like keeping busy and seeing all the different ways one can contribute to the server. Being apart of Vesis has probably been the most positive thing for me on the server. I enjoy being able to play a greater role in a town along with good friends and I hope the town continues on for months and resets to come.

    Although I have no idea what the future holds for me. I know that whatever happens, there will always be an incredible community here. It doesn’t really matter which town or kingdom you’re in, these boundaries should not hold us back from conversing with other players and embracing the strong community on this server. I’ve honestly enjoyed the past few weeks, spreading my giggles among other channels and meeting/talking to familiar and new faces. It’s been a blast!

    (note: this wouldn't all fit in one post, seeing as this is about 15,000 characters, so I am continuing with my memories on a second post. Also the sizing with both posts are weird because I copied it from a document xD.)
    Last edited: April 4, 2014
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  2. Stephfork


    • Sponsor
    May 13, 2012
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    Memories from the first year:
    Filling my old pre-reset house with valuables before the server reset
    In early October 2012, when players were notified of an upcoming reset, I decided to find a great use of my valuables. I grabbed all my stacks of glowstone, emerald blocks, diamond blocks, lapis and whatever else, and decided to fill every block within my house in Vesis with valuables. The best part was, you got to walk through a glowstone walkway! :)

    Mob hunting under Limillion
    I remember as a resident of Veligrad in the Spring/Summer of 2012, occassionally I would go mob hunting under the ground of Limillion. Because the town was built towering in the sky, there was a platform that the town was built on which led to mass spawning of mobs under the town. This was always a fun time with BarryX15 and some others.

    Touring the new spawn with friends and picking our ‘dream house’ for all of us to live in
    So, when the new ImDeity Kingdoms spawn was released last Summer, many people took to the streets of the Capital to view all the impressive builds. Some friends and I in our ‘clique’ decided to walk around the Capital, guided by one of the builders, joshbmxstar. A few of us immediately fell in love with a large extravagant house near the inner city walls on the south side of the Capital. It was fun to walk inside and view everything. Also another adventure was looking for signs with clues that led some friends and I around the Capital. Many hours and days were spent wandering around the magnificent Capital.

    Taco’s new tag “ohai Taco”
    Last week, Taco and a bunch of people, including I, were standing at /hub spawn. Deity randomly said ‘ohai taco’ and in which of course Taco replied, which exposed his new, shiny ‘Dev’ tag. Taco immediately made a shocked noise in TS, but in a happy way. Then, a day later, Pescotti told Taco he would get his Dev tag soon. Taco then told Pescotti to come to our basement(we share an 8 plot home), so he came and spoke in local and showed Pescotti his tag. Pescotti of course was surprised and happy, but not as shocked as when he saw Taco fly for the first time in-game.

    Smacking each other with axes while not wearing armor
    Barry, iSquared Yogs, Tran and Tump, and whoever else I get to smack around! You know what I mean about hitting people with your axe on /main. It’s silly and entertaining to see people fly 10 blocks with the impact of a hit. :)

    Honestly, karaoke events/get-togethers were such amazing time! The few times where we had it streamed and such were pretty amazing. Some little funny things happened during the karaoke events as well. Karaoke was great for people to show off their vocal skills and I thoroughly miss karaoke. Perhaps it will make a return this upcoming summer. It was nice to have an event held within a Capital building in order to make use of the beautiful space and accessibility of the Globe Theatre.

    Partying in MotorBikeMan’s house
    So randomly at one point, a group of players and I had a mini-party in MotorBikeMan4’s house, including Tump, Shoe, Sock, Pescotti and I. I won’t speak of what happened in that house.

    The first ImDeity Kingdoms Build-off
    The first ImDeity Kingdoms Build-off, which was held in late 2012, was a lot of fun! I ended up placing first by winning with the highest score in the finals, for building two ships in a battle, one dark against light. I enjoyed every single round of the build off and it was great to see some real talent in the builds within the competition. I really loved the treehouse and finals round. Lots of memories were made, mostly with fireworks being shot off. Although my build had some flaws, such as wind blowing in two directions, I was really happy with my progress and it showed that I have progressed greatly in my build skills from a year ago.

    Ghealdan Build & Demolition Team
    One thing I love about Ghealdan is the teamwork that we can have when we put our minds together. A lot of residents in Ghealdan love to build, hence some of the architecture and builds in many towns throughout Ghealdan kingdom. This led to the creation of a so-called build team within the kingdom, basically anyone who could follow instruction was put in. We built houses in various towns, and helped with projects spread through the kingdom, such as completely moving the Llewlocke spawn tower by a block for SaintThunder, or building the Vesis expanded farm and also xdysfunktionalx’s Vesis home.

    I have a bunch of memories with you and silly little inside jokes that don’t deserve a story title, but more just a few words and you’ll instantly laugh or remember them. So here goes:
    Seth, Tyler, Platform 9 3/4 (with Durr in my house) and the constant tree planting on your plot along with ‘Kiddie’s playplace’.

    Many memories with you as well, specifically our constant chatting back and forth, along with the sign rooms we share. I cannot wait for more ‘Take It’, more memories, more laughs and you playing guitar :D. You taught me how to count to ten in Dutch, and you showed me that you really are an aap.

    Strydier & The Progression of the Wizard’s U
    So about 4-5 months ago when strydier was working on the Wizard’s U for countless hours, Taco and I often afk’d there or even just hung out there to keep strydier company at random times. Sometimes we’d be joined by other people, like Kiddie. There’s a lot of jokes that happened there, mostly involving strydier making light of Taco and I, along with saying some things I will not post here, but a lot of fun was had during this time! One of the more appropriate things he said was first in global chat “ You know what has been my favourite thing about working on the wizard’s u these past few weeks?” Of course people said “what?” and strydier replied “i’ve gotten to see the budding romance of taco and steph”. A few minutes later when taco and I were standing in the Wizard’s U, he threatened that if he saw us afking together there again he would place double beds with flowers around it, all of this being around taco and I. I feel as though strydier enjoyed the quiet, but not in-your-face company, from Taco and I.

    My Birthday Present
    During August 2012, I celebrated my birthday. The highlight for me was receiving a pixel art statue of my skin on top of my modern house in Doha thanks to some close friends(though it is not really okay to build pixel art or statues on /main). I’m pretty sure I kept that there until the server reset.

    My mall shop sign, incorrect for months
    So, when I originally got my mall shop sign, I think it was correct. But at some point something happened and it turned into 1337 5P34K. It was pretty awesome, but it’s back to normal now. The sign read: miz d0l f4c3, sh0p #9

    The 4 Mu-stick-eers
    One time on the hub, I don’t know what brought us to do this, but Arwenden, fatd33r, Tump and I had sticks and we decided we would become the four Mustickeers(which totally more awesome than the 3 musketeers).

    The ‘Steph-infection’
    So, a couple of months ago in chat, there was some discussion(I cannot recall what about) but somehow a staph-infection was mentioned by one with the nickname ‘jeb_’(not the actual player jeb for you silly people). Then, Majora and Deity(who had the nickname of Notch), used the term ‘Steph-infection’. It was so good it caught a lot of people off-guard including myself, and I laughed pretty hard even if it was a bit disturbing! :p

    The expanded Vesis farm
    I figured this was worth mentioning due to the number of people who helped create the farm, and all the work it took to make the expanded farm. This all started because Vesis needed a larger and more efficient farm for the growing residents in town. With the help of many Ghealdan Build & Demolition team members, the project was completed in no more than a couple weeks. If i’m correct this farm is probably one of the largest farms if not the largest on the current map. Thank you to everyone who helped make it possible.

    Speedy, Taco & I get slaughtered
    On May 10th, Taco and I decided to make an expansion on our basement and create a fun room. Speedy came to join us to avoid helping someone else with something. So we were all sitting in the basement room when the main world reset. We returned to 2 endermen and a skeleton in the basement. At this time I was lagging so hard and died within seconds by an endermen(my worst fear). Speedy and Taco died as well. But during this, Pescotti had come to see the room and was left in the basement with the 3 mobs. He killed the endermen but the skeleton obtained the items that we dropped when the 3 of us died. The skeleton had Taco’s diamond armor set that was heavily enchanted(with Fire prot. 3, prot 3 & feather falling four and blast protection 3), a diamond sword and Speedy’s head. When Pescotti saw this, he began freaking out in TS, none of us knowing why until I reached the basement room and saw the crazy visual of Pescotti fighting a SpeedyGonzales skeleton! It was pretty funny. :p

    Thank you all for reading and I look forward to the next year!

    ~ Stephfork
    Last edited: April 4, 2014
    Nohats, Rihue, Vector360- and 23 others like this.
  3. TiitanX


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    November 17, 2012
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    Congratulations Steph! I can't wait to hear more of your story! I hope you will be making a two year post in the future :p.

    - Titan

    EDIT: You started to add more of your story after I posted. ;)
    The_Yogs and Stephfork like this.
  4. Bella


    May 6, 2012
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    Congrats Steph! <3 :)
    Stephfork likes this.
  5. Fiver26


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    November 12, 2011
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    oh hey i remember your presents! one of them was on top of my house...
    'grats btw ;3
    Stephfork likes this.
  6. BarryX15


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    November 6, 2011
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    Thank you for staying here for so long and being among top competitors for "most dedicated player" award.

    Looking forward to more meatings with you! :p:)
    Stephfork likes this.
  7. SpeedyGonzales9


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    March 27, 2012
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    XD Too great of a story. That time we were in your basement, I died of some random cuboid error around the same time as Taco died. So I guess you can say I was hardcore lagging as well. :p Though its disappointing that I could not see my evil twin fight Pasta, I bet it was hilarious! :D I hope to create more stories with you in the near future, you're one of the most awesomest people on this server, idk why I hadn't met you until months ago! It sure would be great to spend a whole year having a blast with you, undoubtably, no questions asked! Don't worry about the Speedy head, I can buy more from Mr. Generous smcallah :3 Maybe we won't die next time. XD See you very soon!
    Sincerely with Great Emotion,
    Majora_Unmasked and Stephfork like this.
  8. Gawkan


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    October 27, 2011
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    Congrats Steph! :)
    Stephfork likes this.
  9. Majora_Unmasked


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    July 2, 2012
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    I remember the "Steph Infection" too! :p Congrats Stephy, here's to another year! *raises glass*
    Stephfork likes this.
  10. ripper34


    October 14, 2011
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  11. erorah


    January 7, 2013
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    congrats on Invictus
    Steph im sure everyone on imdeity has benifited from knowing you, as have. Karaoke lets get it on again !!!!!!!!!!
    Stephfork likes this.
  12. legoazurp


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    December 15, 2011
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    congratulations :D
    Stephfork likes this.
  13. MuttiMatti


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    April 29, 2011
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    Congratulation Sassy
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  14. Serene86


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    May 15, 2013
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    Thanks for welcoming me to Vesis and getting me set up on my plot. Our interaction was a deciding factor for me in sticking around.
    Stephfork likes this.
  15. LupusOmegaX


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    February 15, 2013
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    It makes me feel good I'm more of a vet than some really popular players. Congrats Stiff :3
    Stephfork likes this.
  16. SpeedyGonzales9


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    March 27, 2012
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    Are you now? There is a difference between a veteran and a popular player. Your face just seems to pop around everywhere, that doesn't mean it can travel back in time and come back as a veteran. That would be really scary and I wouldn't feel very comfortable. :/
  17. LupusOmegaX


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    February 15, 2013
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    I am a veteran though... ,_,
    I first showed up on the server about a weeks after you did. Once you hit one-year you're considered a vet. And maybe my face IS capable of time-travel. You don't know my life. You don't know what I've been through! ;-;
  18. xdysfunkx


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    December 4, 2011
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    Going for 2years of on-off activity. Lupus pls.

    Also, I just read this over. I still love the house, why do you think I made lola claim it?
    shai12345 and Stephfork like this.
  19. SpeedyGonzales9


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    March 27, 2012
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    I consider 2 years as a veteran, and I doubt you joined weeks after since I had never seen you until about a year after. Don't reference of my account just as I don't reference of your's. They are false information! In my case. :p
  20. Tallpines


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    November 30, 2012
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    Congrats on one year! Hope to see you playing for many years to come.
    Stephfork likes this.
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