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RPers, Unite!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Delta16, January 23, 2012.

  1. Delta16


    January 22, 2012
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    By our powers combine - COUGH!

    Okay, nevermind that. But, hello ImDeity Kingdoms. The name's Delta. Or, in character, Tiberium Metellus - wandering footman of the Holy Order of the Iron Cross!

    This is a suggestion/idea. I really wouldn't know what to classify it as. But at any rate, I'm here to call out any potential RPers to come and be actively IC (In Character). "But Delta, I can't RP - I'm too ________!" Don't worry Billy, your execuses can be overcome easily! "But Delta, why would I want to RP!?" Well, if you AREN'T interested, then why are you reading! But, if this catches your eye - then let me tell you all about the wonderful world of RP.

    In short, attempting to create a story and character in a fantasy realm is exiciting. It shouldn't be boring and tedious, but rather a well thought out and creative activity to do! RPing is a bit more complex than it sounds, with details like meta-gaming and god-modding, but for the basic beginner, forging an epic character and living him out in this medieval themed world is fun, I'd say!

    ImDeity Kingdoms looks (LOOKS TO BE) a medieval fantasy world. It probably has more elements added to it, like perhaps the most obvious being steampunk (saw an airship, I figured as much). So, creating a medieval fantasy character shouldn't be too hard. Here, have an example of who Tiberius is!

    Name: Tiberius Metellus
    Birthplace: The Province of Germania (Fictional Province in my RP, based on the Holy Roman Empire)
    Home: Reech
    Age: 25
    Rank/Class: Footman / Peaseant
    Sex: Male
    Biography: Tiberius Metellus was born in the heavily forested lands of Germania. He is the son to a farming family, owning a large parcel of land. At a young age, he left the monotomy of farming and sought out adventure and fighting. He trained quickly in the way of the blade, shield, and bow. Eventually, he was conscripted along with many other men to join the army of the land, the Holy Order of the Iron Cross. The Army of the Iron Cross was the hammer of the Imperium of Germania - and Metellus went on many campaigns to bring civilized and religious order to multiple lands. However, on one journey across the West Sea - his ship was blown off course by a might typhoon! Lost and bewildered, he landed on the coasts of the Kingdoms. He now seeks to find remnants of his crew and make a new name for himself, and spread the arm of the Imperium to the Kingdoms - in hopes to carry on the Order's name.

    Now, you try!

    Have fun, and try moving those creative juices a bit!
    Randomguy856 and Leviathan_Ziz like this.
  2. MuttiMatti


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    The title of this thread reminds me of commies
  3. Travis Daniels

    Travis Daniels

    January 14, 2012
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    In-Game Name:
    Name: Ryan (Rhino) Fernandan
    Age: 19
    Sex: Male
    Birthplace: The Mountains of Gorlan
    Class/Rank: Archer/Native
    Biography: Ryan grew up with his brother and father in a nomadic Native tribe that roamed Gorlan. He was Trained to kill at a young age, destined to be a protector of the tribe someday. All this ended when his tribe was attacked in the middle of the night, his brother and father were slaughtered while he was kidnapped and taken away to the unknown land of "Germania" where he was sold into slavery. Rhino behaved towards his master but he was planning something, he soon murdered his master with a shovel and ran into the forest. He ran and ran across borders and mountains and rivers until he came across the Kingdom of Imdeity. Now he resides in a welcoming town, waiting and watching....
  4. Hippoman


    January 16, 2012
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    Name: Seth Kartmen
    Birthplace: Korn
    Class/Rank: Swordsman
    Biography: Seth grew up as an only child. At school he liked being the center of attention and had a little to much friends.His parents were over protective.
  5. Leviathan_Ziz


    • Gold
    May 3, 2011
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    Moved to general discussions, seeing it wasn't a suggestion to the server... herderp... nor fit for beta general, seeing people are going to spam here and it's not directly server related.
    Name: Leviathan
    Birthplace: The mountains near Eastwich
    Home: Scarletdawn, a town for dragons.
    Age: 17
    Sex: Male
    Rank: Dragon Overlord, Lord
    Biography: Leviathan, a young dragonling grew up in the mountains near Eastwich, where he soon met mankind. He was only 20 man-years old when he killed his first human, his ancestors were very proud. However the Hellians, the rulers of the Ex Infernis were not happy however, how could a young and such a small dragon, large for his age, 50 cm in length, kill a champion amongst men. The Hellians soon launched an assault at the Eastwich mountains, gaining control over the breedery, why every ender dragon in there was slaughtered, note this was before the great dragon split, some eggs survived, aswell as most mature dragons. Leviathan_Ziz was amongst them, this story will continue later.

    Going to work on my biography later, i love lore, writing, reading and eating it.
    ianwhat likes this.
  6. Delta16


    January 22, 2012
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    Alright. :D
  7. eltono999


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    February 6, 2011
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    This is a good idea. reserved when i can be bothered to type it out..
  8. Zouleena


    • Sponsor
    May 4, 2011
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    In-Game Name:
    Name: Zouleena Mercurtiana Rouge, goddess of the Reds
    Age: -less
    Sex: god-DESS
    Birthplace: was formed inside a giant Pearl at the bottom of the Eastern Sea
    Class/Rank: Upper Eschelon
    Biography: The story of Zouleena Mercurtiana Rouge, or Zoul, is a wild and wicked tale of deception, love, magnificent creations, and the devotion of her many followers. Unfortunately, the scrolls that described in great and splendid detail her birth, her complete and varied exploitations and explorations have been lost during the great Lava waves of 2011, so she is free to spread wild rumours, tease her fellow Deitians mercilessly, and simply fly around pelting unsuspecting earth-bound habitants with snowy pearls reminiscent of her birth-shell.

    Oh, and, she adores Dark Chocolate, ferrets, and shinies.
    angryjukebox and Laurie1000 like this.
  9. Randomguy856


    • Gold
    December 20, 2011
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    In-Game Name:
    Name: Charandom (later renamed Randomguy)
    Sex: male
    Birthplace: Kanto
    Home: Reech
    Class/Rank: Melon lover/ lvl 56 Charizard
    Biography: After beating the Elite Four of Kanto, Randomguy left his master to explore the strange land of Minecraftia. Upon arrival in Minecraftia, Randomguy underwent a transformation into a blocky creature and lost his power to breath fire. He is obssesed with Melons. After a long time wandering, He came into a town called Reech, which was burnt to a crisp. Only the main castle was standing when he arrived. After helping rebuild the town, The mayor, Fizzor who is now dead(based off of Fizzors post), offered him land on which to live. Now Randomguy aspires for a new master to lead him to glory, Malchior(son of Fiz) in particular.
  10. ianwhat


    August 24, 2011
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    In-Game Name:
    Name:Ian Filozof
    birthplace: rou(small maritime place)
    class/rank:master alchemist
    Biography:left at a young age.Was a loner as a child.But found a bright red stone and studied alchemy.Thrown out of Rou for convicted murder.wanders in the desert now searching for a place to call home.
  11. Mucragus


    • Gold
    January 14, 2012
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    In-Game Name:
    Name: Kritines Alest Windwalker
    Birthplace: Unknown location atop some lonely anonymous mountains.
    Home: Reech
    Age: 36
    Rank/Class: Citizen and Shaman of the lovely town of Reech.
    Sex: Male
    You enter the house of Kritines. The solid oak underfoot fails to creak under your presence. However, the house's occupant exits his workshop, leaving his sword at his bedside, exchanging it for a cane. He smiles warmly at you, and gestures toward the cramped den, insisting that you sit. Your words are hushed by a simple wave of his hand and you are compelled to sit across from him at his small table, the only defining feature of his den.

    "You want to know my story, don't you? I see the look in your eye. An eye of wonder, not unlike my own when I started my own journey. I was instructed by my clan in the ways of the arcane, and of the languages of the universe. I learned how to take power from the beasts both mundane and not of this world. I worked reality with a whim and bound the secrets of the universe into my tools, making me unstoppable. At the at the apex of my power, my hubris blinded me, and in my arrogance I challenged the great Matriarch in a battle of will-working for the clan. The battle was painfully short, as was my trial. Exile. Shamefully, I journeyed the barren lands without my resources to aid me. I traversed moon-lit plains without my tools to light my path. I slept in dirt hovels, fearing the beasts I once slew thoughtlessly. I walked this plane until I heard whispers of civilization, of people, of a new life. I stayed at the fringes of these Kingdoms and gathered what I could. The arts my clan practiced were eschewed here. My knowledge is useless here, but I hear upon the whispers of the wind of a Change. I can feel it in my bones. The day will come for this kingdom where the citizens of this land will Awake from this dreary haze of banality. I will reclaim my birthright and take all that I see before me. I will stand above it all, and I will raise my armored hands high above me, cold diamond shining in the Sun. With these hands that will not bleed, my battle will be won!"

    The man sits down, shaken out of his reverie by your frightened face. "Of course, that's all just a dream of mine. Nothing more."
  12. IGoCrystal


    July 31, 2011
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    Reserved for when I have more time.
  13. Decaf_Bread


    January 17, 2012
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    In-Game Name:
    Name: Derick Cafinato Bread
    Birthplace: Somewhere below Imdiety kingdoms, in a cave or some such.
    Home: Buena Vista
    Age: 4
    Rank/Class: In existence
    Sex: Male, in theory

    Biography: The tale of Derick Bread's birth is not one for the weak of stomach. His mother, a 35 year old women by the name of Danielle Erberstark, a proud woman who worked hard to kep her reputation as a business woman respectable. His father.... a 13 year old Endermen by the name of Tenezio of the Bread tribe. As for how Derick was born, it all began the night his mother traveled to far off village that, unfortunately for her, was built by noobs, and had no defense system at all. She spent a single night in the town to rest before her journey home, and it was during that night that the village was attacked by Endermen. I'll spare you the terrifying details, but needless to say, Derick was born nine months later in a cave far below the capital, his mother to ashamed to let others see what she had been carrying. The childbirth process killed Danielle Erberstark.

    Derick, nothing more than an impling by Endermen status, was born at a mere 5 feet tall. He was born with an Endermen's natural curiosity for picking up materials and placing them elsewhere, as well as a humans creativity, and thus is always wondering about what kind of structures he could feasibly build. He has never known the secret of his creation, indeed, he is ignorant that he is different from the other humans he interacts with. As a half human, he has a human body, a command of the english language, and a mind that one would describe as natural and human. As a half Endermen, he has a natural curiosity in all things, some innate feelings and desires that make him feel separate from humans, and pitch black skin (most people might assume he's just VERY african or something). He hates being stared at, and will commonly jump around nervously or deliberately move out of the way when being stared at.

    As a side note, it is commonly known that Endermen mature extremely fast, and live for a very long time after maturity (And by commonly known, I mean that I just made it up) So as a 4 year old, Derick has the mind of, let's say, an 18 year old human who's still in highschool and has nothing better to do then play minecraft and write short character profiles about people in minecraft. Approximately.

    Also, let me say two things:
    1. I would be overjoyed if a small group of interested people began a post-by-post RP on this forum somewhere, just saying.
    2. Zouleena's a girl?!?!?!
  14. Zouleena


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  15. Delta16


    January 22, 2012
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    ((Is loving the RP Unification. Will add his own more detailed tale later on. Keep it up!)
  16. Tareq


    December 30, 2011
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    In-Game Name:
    Name: Tarok
    Age: 20
    Birthplace: Tygrol, a small seaside village far from any kingdoms
    Class/Rank: A pirate
    Biography: Tarok was introduced to the hard life of piracy at a young age when a band of merciless marauders sacked and looted his peaceful village of Tygrol. H was barely seventeen at the time and had just returned from a trip to the woods with his friend. They had seen smoke and hurried back but all they found was the burned husk of Tygrol. The earth was blackened and charred. A few bodies lay in the streets though all were too scarred and desecrated to identify. Tarok searched the ruins for his beloved for three days before hunger forced him and his friend Gormular to abandon the village. He travelled with his friend for many days and many nights until at last they reached a town. Gormular quickly fell into the ranks of the town's guards whilst Tarock wound up in many of the towns more sultry taverns. There he met a lot of people. Some were shady, some were sinister, and some just loved the intrigue. Living the tavern life cost Tarok a lot of dei so before long he was forced to go into the "import and export" business of illegal goods. For the next three years he learned to wield both longswords and daggers. Although he is a roguish character always getting himself into trouble , he has a heart of gold. This unattractive feature to the more bloodthirsty pirates has caused him to become shunned by those of his kind. Nevertheless he continues to loot, plunder, and steal his way on his eternal search for buried treasure. Most of his loot goes towards financing his next treasure hunt but at least 30% he donates to the poor and starving people of the realms. He is tall, blonde with blue eyes and has a jagged scar running down his left eye. You may wonder how he got such a scar...but that story..that story is for another time

    (ahhhh it feels good :) )
  17. Gwenhywar


    • Head Moderator
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    July 13, 2011
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    In-Game Name:
    Name: Gwenhywar "The white Enchantress"
    Birthplace: Unknown
    Home: Scarletdawn
    Age: unknown
    Rank/Class: Vendor, Co-Mayor
    Sex: Female
    Biography: On a rainy stormy springs night an old herb woman wandered through the forests near the castle of Findabair. She was regarded as a witch, knowing about the herbs, diseases and little potions that helped people, so she knew she could not find a hideout in the castle. Even as thunder and lightning stroke outside the people fear her too much to help. The old woman was scared and dragged her dark green woolen cape closer around her body, looking for a place to escape from the thunderstorm. It was so dark and cloudy she could not really see where she was going and stumbled and fell again loosing her orientation and hoped for a rescue. When she was on the ground once more and thinking about giving up her struggle against Mother Nature, she saw a cave like spot in a nearby hill. Out of it came light that shone bright and glittering. She knew it could neither be a torch, nor a glowstone. But it appeared friendly and inviting. With the regained power and strength of hope she brought herself closer and finally in the cave seeing the source of the light. A baby with carrot red hair lying in a wicker basket, covered up with a carmine velvet blanket and the green eyes shining like emeralds. The old woman could not hold herself from grabbing the baby in her arms. And while she was holding the little child she felt warmth in her old muscles and bones. She felt youth running through her veins and hugged the baby closer, feeling some cold spots on her chest. She felt like fainting and the last she saw were the reasons for the cold feeling on her skin: Golden bracelets around the babies arms and a necklace. Then she fell into a hypnotic like sleep...

    The next morning the bad weather was gone. The children from the castle residents went out in the forest to play and came close to a cave in a hill. They never saw it and were curious what it was. When they ran to it a young woman stepped out: Carrot red hair, emerald green eyes and a dark green dress with a dark reddish velvet belt around her waist. The only things of worth were her golden necklace and her bracelets. All engraved "Gwenhywar" which meant in their language "The White Enchantress".

    She could never say where she came from. She knew a lot about nature, medicine and people. She was regarded as friendly and helpful and so it was no wonder that the kids that saw her the first time became friends with her and she made a lot of other friends around. Some of them wanted to start a living in a far out place in the Imdeity Kingdoms and together with her they started Centralia after some time. Their first point to travel to their town was Gaia. And so it might have been destiny that she got to know the mighty Dragon Lord and mayor of Gaia Leviathan_Ziz and his friend Panda Lord iSquared while they were founding a new town named Kingdom. Gaia, Centralia and Kingdom lay together as if they belonged together and so the three decided to unite to a great new town when everyone knew the old world will be gone soon. The mercantile Gwenhywar united with the mighty Dragon Lord and ably Panda craftsman as a triumvirate to start the awakening in the new world with Scarletdawn. She does not know what the future holds nor what her origin was, but she is looking forward to the power of three. Because somehow there lies magic in all of them...
    Leviathan_Ziz likes this.
  18. Delta16


    January 22, 2012
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    (Great going with the thread guys. Btw, a small post on my part. Got a bit mad today over some stuff after a Spleef Tourney. I'm taking a general break at the moment 'till my RAEG gtfo's. Sigh. I apologize for today and what occured. Stuff happens, I just don't like losing my work and progress, ya' know?)
  19. Tareq


    December 30, 2011
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    (Well after gwenhywar's masterpiece I feel I should have put a little more effort in! yarrr :p)
    Gwenhywar likes this.
  20. maxwell25937


    • Diamond
    January 3, 2012
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    In-Game Name:
    Name: Max
    Birthplace: BeachSide
    Home: Rhegion
    Age: 30
    Class/rank: A lord who in his mean time works on his farm
    Sex: Male

    After growing up in a wealthy family that owns a large shipping company he moved to Rhegion with everything he could carry with only 270 dei he started to work by voting mining but after learning that it would take forever he donated to start a small company witch grew so wealthy for his small donation they gave him 12000 dei witch then he was able to build a large 64 by 64 farm in witch he sells food such as melon and bread along with some other things like sugar cane wood and pumpkins after that he shared the rest of his dei to get his friends land now he helps out his town as much as he can and is hoping to become a town official


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