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Discussion in 'Suggestions / Ideas' started by BitOfAle, July 25, 2013.

  1. BitOfAle


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    December 13, 2012
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    Hello! I am going to talk about adding The Nether into the Main server. Please do NOT tell me "Go look in the search bar" because those threads are out dated and most likely, useless. First thing is, why isn't the Nether added? PvP and Hub server have the Nether working fine and I don't pick up any lag at all so why can't Main handle it? Second, this is Minecraft, a game that is created as a Sandbox game and one of the main aspects of it is, building. We all use blocks for building, but some players want to use different blocks ex; Quartz without paying 100 dei per block or going to the mining world for 3 days to collect 2 blocks. We've waited for this "DeityNether" but never came, just like classes. We've waiting for a while and we're eager to have something that we won't get bored of in what? 1-3 weeks? You gave us War, got boring. You gave us a new PvP server, got boring. The Nether won't make us bored due to the fact that we will have to go there for blocks, and survive Ghasts, Magma Cubes, you get my point.

    If you're worried if The Nether would interfere with the economy like the DeityShop for glowstone or Netherbrick, then why not remove those items from the DeityShop? Right now all we depend on '/mall' to get items and barely go on '/mine' anymore, '/trade' is barely used like the good old days when it was a "real player-based economy" where we would depend on each other to get our own items. I heard about those "Block-Wells" in the mining world but those don't give the same feeling as surviving in the Nether and trying not to die from lava or falling off a cliff.

    If there is some reason that The Nether does not go well with any plugins or something like that, please tell me due to the fact I couldn't find anything about it using the search bar like how many Staff/Players said to whenever people made a thread/post about the Nether.

    Thank you for reading this.

  2. melvin484


    April 24, 2013
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    I would enjoy this also, it would also help and boost the economy!
  3. smcallah


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    I'm not commenting here to say that we will or we won't add the Nether, but I'm confused as to how adding the Nether would not just be boring after some amount of time like all other things you said.

    You're bored with the main world, bored with PvP, bored with war, bored with mining. Adding the Nether, you'd use it a little while, and then what? Be bored? How would the Nether be exciting for very long if you're bored that quickly with the other things?

    The hub and PvP have the Nether, you claim those are boring, and yet they have the exciting Nether you speak of. So what would make the Nether not boring for the main world?

    You truly think that it won't get boring to go to a landscape that has 6 total blocks and just tons of lava? It's mining, just in a different place. You claim people aren't willing to mine now to get things. But you believe that they will never get bored of mining in the Nether? I don't see the logic if everything else is as boring as you say.

    I also don't see how it will boost the economy. It will lower the value of Netherrack and soulsand to the same as dirt blocks and cobble blocks. There is pretty much an unlimited supply of those 2 blocks. It's at least 95% of the Nether. No real boost there with people paying 5 dei a stack for them. And Netherbrick falls into the same category since it is made from Netherrack now. You don't even need a nether fortress to get it. And glowstone value will creep down as more and more is collected from the Nether, just as happened when mcmmo dropped way too much of it. I'd like to see a good explanation of how that helps the economy.

    I proposed the original DeityNether, and it was nearly a plugin. I don't know the details of why it stalled, but it did.

    So after that I also proposed to ImDeity that since we could customize terrain generation that we could add Nether blocks and other unobtainable ones to the mining world. I thought this was a nice win, as ImDeity is a fan of the DeityShop and likes to sell items there to balance the flow of new money coming into the economy. I also thought it would be fun and interesting for people to have new things to find in the mining world. I'm sure it at least was fun for some people when they first saw a new block pop up, or the first time someone found an island made of netherrack and soulsand. Apparently I was wrong though. Apparently it's boring. Apparently it is more fun to easily find everything in the Nether. Sounds like unlimited fun and will never get as boring as everything else is.

    People never seem to look at it like me, and I don't fault anyone for that. But here is my perspective for anyone that cares. Minecraft single player, you can pretty much get everything, limitless. No money to worry about. You just find what you need. Only a handful of things are truly rare.

    In multiplayer Minecraft, people collect items and hoard them, to trade or give to others or to build things just to impress others. There are almost no rare items because someone has been able to obtain many of the things that are considered rare in vanilla Minecraft. To have a multiplayer experience on an economic server, you need something with rarity. And more than just a couple of things. You have to artificially make some things rare or coveted by those who can't yet buy them. Otherwise, what is the goal in an economic Minecraft server? Some want money, some want a collection, some want to show off. I don't think you can do that when almost everything is easily obtainable. There are still things that aren't obtainable at all on the main server, and won't be even if we had the Nether. I gave some of those things out as Christmas presents and they are the rarest items on the server.

    The mining world is 8000x8000. That is a lot of stuff to mine, and we reset it well before people have reached the outer limits of that. There are a lot of "rare" things to find as well. And it certainly doesn't take "3 days" to get some quartz ore, if you pay attention to where you are finding it. Same goes for any of the other rare blocks in mining. I'll get to my point, the mining world IS an unlimited supply of these items, even if they are hard to find. Eventually they will exist in big quantities on the server, and prices that people sell them for will likely drop.

    Just look at diamonds. When I started on the server, you could mine in the main world, and diamond supply was running low. Diamonds could go as high as 75 dei each. Then the separate mining world hit and diamond supply shot up. Diamonds dropped fast, and settled around 25 dei. Now diamonds are given as a voting perk and diamond tools supplied to some donors every 6 hours. This has made diamonds around 15 - 17 dei. Iron and other regular ores have had the same trend. Many items used to go for much more than they do now.

    The same thing will happen with any block that is supplied from mining world. With the first discovery of quartz, it was expensive. It's already dropped now as more is out there. Why would the trend not continue? Why not find some for yourself? All you'd be doing in the Nether is trying to find it, and you still wouldn't find all of the things that I've put in the mining world.

    TLDR? Go back and read it.
  4. btarb24


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    I completely agree with the points that smc has made. I don't think we need to add the nether to the main world. I was happy enough to find the nether blocks in mining world. Each of those little archways gives a full stack. I also don't think we need to see glowstone everywhere. it's nice to leave a few items that have a sense of rarity and value to them. They act as status symbols for those that can afford them. .. and gives something for newcomers to look forward to and strive to achieve.

    Though, i also see the motivation to add the nether to the main world. _People will always yearn for what they cannot have._ Likewise, if we're given something and then become bored of it we'll stop using it... until the moment it's taken away and then it'll be a hot topic to try to get it back. The removal of mini games that have lost interest is an example of this. While getting something new is always exciting, the removal of something we took for granted will usually make us want to get it back.. even if it's not something we really want.
    LupusOmegaX and Johndahbomb like this.
  5. Venithar


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    I'll be honest, I have trouble saying anything against smc's post. His response is well thought out, and has some very good points. The most I can really do, is question a couple things, and thanks to Btarb's post, it's makes it a little easier to question.

    My primary question is in regards to the "wells". If the goal is to keep certain things rare, why then add something so obviously easy to get such as the wells? The amount of quartz just one of those wells brings into the economy is a bit much for very little work. 1 quartz block takes 4 quartz, which is 2-3 quartz ore (with a fortune pick). Personally, I think those wells completely removed the effort to find and the rarity of quartz. I also know of the nether brick wells, which compared to the nether islands, aren't so bad, but still may be infusing too much into the economy at once. EDIT: I wanted to point out that the wells also favor those who happen to be on when the mining world is reset, as those who know where to find them can immediately run to those locations in search of them before others even log in.

    My next question is in regards to another thing which currently isn't in-game, but if put in-game, would require something from the nether; that would be brewing. Are we to expect that golden carrots, glowstone, magma cream, glistering melons, ghast tears, and blaze powder will all then be sold in the Deity Shop? I would list nether wart in that list however there is a vast supply on that already on the server.

    Lastly, I missed christmas, can I have a Dragon Egg? cuz you know, I totally need something rare :)
  6. smcallah


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    I agree with your concerns, and we reset the mining world just last night after I severely decreased the rarity of such wells. Only one has been located by a player since then and that was hours after the reset. So I think that negates the concern of having to be there right after the reset. There's roughly 64 million blocks to cover to locate them all, that's a big task, especially since the draw distance of the server is decreased. It will take quite an effort to find, but in the end, I don't mind rewarding dedicated players with finding a decent stash once in a while. It's not meant to be fair after all. I'll paraphrase another player that recently said something like "it's not fair to the people that chose to build towns and weren't mining." Yeah, he's right, it's not fair, and it's not supposed to be.

    Golden carrots are in the shop currently, they've been there for a while because they are an item made from gold and no one can make them and they were a food source. They have a new use now, growing horses. And glowstone has always been sold in the DeityShop except for a short time on the last map. Anything else would be in the shop or available some other way if and when ImDeity decides to enable brewing stands for use.

    There are still no dragon eggs on the server. They are easily griefable because of their weird ability to fly away when clicked. I'll have to see if they still act that way, maybe some day.
  7. Casta_Mief


    February 28, 2013
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    I get what your saying, but the nether is not necessary. just as smc said, players would get bored pretty fast. Another alternative that you could push for, if you wish, is cheaper prices for nether items, such as glowstone but less expensive and the like. However, i don't have a problem with the prices, and if a post were to be made about lower prices (and i'm sure there already has been), it would be up to The admins to decide.
    Messier1994 likes this.

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