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Rank 3 Merchant perk - Jobs

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Ideas' started by 2SilentStalker, April 8, 2015.

  1. 2SilentStalker


    February 1, 2012
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    1. Have a portal page to offer a job (mining/collecting), also showing jobs that you already offered.
    2. Specify an item (Granite = minecraft:stone:1 etc.)
    3. Specify total amount (up to 2304 items = 36 stacks)
    4. Specify price per item (0.01 Dei increments)
    5. Set job status to: open. EDIT: once the job status is set to open, you cannot change amount or price.
    6. It is possible to offer multiple jobs for the same item if you need big amounts.

    All players:

    7. use command /job list [pagenumber] to see the list of jobs (only jobs with status:open are listed).
    8. chat line says: # (job number) item, remaining amount, remaining price, price per item, Tycoon name
    9. have ordered items in your inventory, use command /job sell <job number>
    10. items are taken from your inventory and you are paid immediately. Note: If you have less items than the remaining amount or exactly that amount, all items are taken and paid for. If you have more items, only remaining amount is taken and paid for. EDIT: If Tycoon does not have enough money, your items remain in your inventory and all Tycoon's jobs are closed unfinished with some penalty.
    11. Once remaining amount reaches zero, the job status is set to closed and the job disappears from the job list.


    12. When a player sells you items, Dei are taken from your balance immediately and remaining amount and price changes.
    13. Items are stored on portal. To collect them, set the job status to closed, get ingame, have enough empty space in your inventory and use command /job collect <job number>. After collecting items, the job is removed from your portal page.
    14. If you need to stop a job in the middle of the progress, just set job status to closed and collect items if there are any. EDIT: there should be some 5 to 10% penalty for closing unfinished job.


    Yes, merchants can already offer a S price on a shop chest, however that takes the precious shop space, especially when ordering large amounts of materials.
    Last edited: April 8, 2015
  2. porterdog02


    • Gold
    January 26, 2014
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    So when I go into game I do /job list and I can find a job do I have to get stuff that jobs requires and how many jobs can you have

    But I'm not lvl 3 merchant yet
    Last edited by a moderator: April 8, 2015
  3. 2SilentStalker


    February 1, 2012
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    correct, this is an idea for future rank of merchants.

    Of course you have to collect stuff, that is the purpose of this jobs suggestion.

    And i have no idea about the limit - 3 open jobs should be minimum.
    Last edited: April 8, 2015
  4. porterdog02


    • Gold
    January 26, 2014
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    Ok cool I like that idea and lvl 3 merchants should be able to /sell (name of player) (item id) (amount selling) (price) I would like that or smaller so like if somebody is in /mine they can sell that stuff and they person receiving it can type /buy or /accept or /decline something like that idk I need to work on it and think a little bit more

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