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Guess The Songs!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by eriqmerc, June 15, 2012.

  1. eriqmerc


    • Gold
    May 24, 2012
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    Hi, hi, HI! Eriq here! Okay. This time, I decided to do something a little different than The Dice Game this time.

    Basically, I'll write a couple of lines that form a short story that will indirectly tell you the name of the song and the artist who sang it!

    1. They couldn't wait for it. There would be no more work or school for this week. Then, SHE had to mess with their minds. Jack Black saw this and kept quiet about the family relationship.

    2. He sat in his room wondering why he had no friends. He sighed. Maybe it was his poor social skills. He had no one to be with at most times. All he had was his piano. He gently swept his fingers over the C#, D#, F#, G# and A# keys. He chuckled as his remembered his sister insisted on calling them Db, Eb, Gb, Ab and Bb once upon a time ago.

    3. She sat overlooking her subjects at the balcony. Earlier that day, she was part of a team that was in a competition. Now, she's telling them 'One is pleased'. Of course one is pleased. One's team had the gold medals.

    4. His head continued to get weird numbers. 94.5, 102.9, 101.3. It was driving him crazy! All this because of that thing that was practically a walking time bomb! He guesses that he shouldn't be surprised. It gets it's name from what it does.

    5. It was his favourite genre. He only wanted to watch that genre. Not comedy, romance or any other.
    After the show ended, he walked back home. Too late, he realised he had been followed by dead people. There is only one thing to do in a situation like this. Dance. (I couldn't put the artist's name in this one. Sorry! However, I'm pretty sure you can easliy guess this one.)
  2. BlueDude265


    March 6, 2012
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    The only one I can begin to guess is:
    5. Thriller - By Michel Jackson

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