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Give A House Foundation

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by TheRealForte, April 4, 2012.

  1. TheRealForte


    August 7, 2011
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    Hello. I have noticed that walking through the amazing land of ImDeity, you see the most amazing buildings, towns, and even amazing sculptures! But there is one thing that you will see but most choose to ignore, homeless Testificates. This sad truth cant be ignored any longer. The quiet Testificates don't ask for much, just a small wood house to call their own, away from the dangers of zombie attacks. That is why I am initiating the Give a House Foundation. Every time you pass a Testificate without a home, build him one. It only takes a small amount of resources and time. But you will feel better that you did something to help. So all i ask is to show compassion for your mute friends. Join with us in sharing the wealth and joy we have with them. [​IMG]

    [​IMG] A Testificate Thanking the Give A House Foundation
    Sephronia likes this.

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