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Feed The Beast (FTB) Horizons - Tutorials, Tips & Tricks

Discussion in 'FTB General Discussion' started by Qazz, June 4, 2015.

  1. Qazz


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    -This thread is being edited by many, and is incomplete-

    Hello fellow ImDeity players,

    Are you an aspiring Feed The Beast : Horizons player that may be having issues getting started or needing help in certain areas? Hopefully, this thread will be able to help you! Here are some helpful tidbits that may assist you in your endeavors while in game.

    Before starting, you need to follow the ImDeity Feed The Beast : How To Join guide and have successfully logged into the server.

    Getting Started:

    Horizons and Magic Farm 2 are quite similar packs, however there have been some things that have been added/removed. Hunger Overhaul has been removed, making surviving and living much easier. There are many difficult mobs, however it's nothing that cannot be handled with an Iron Sword. The Farlanders mod was added and has some daunting mobs that can be difficult to handle, and those will be touched upon in their section.

    Food, since the removal of Hunger Overhaul as mentioned before, has become much easier to deal with. If you're just looking for food to get out to a base location, living off of Pam's Harvestcraft morsels or typical pigs and cows will suffice. If you see a large (approx 15 blocks tall) man made of Hay Bales, this is part of the witchery mod. The wheat can be used for food, and there is also a spawner underneath.

    If you see a short stone-brick tower with a spiral staircase going down the middle, these will be quite useful to you. At least try to have a stone sword upon entering to keep yourself safe from mobs, but as you go down in levels there will be lots of loot. You can find things from Enchanted Iron Tools to Blocks of Diamond/Gold/Emerald. These typically go down to Y level 9-12, each level increasing in difficulty.

    Advanced Genetics:

    Applied Energistics:

    Arcane Scrolls:

    Overview- Arcane Scrolls has a similar structure to Ars Magica in the sense that it's able to use offensive, defensive, and utility scrolls. These are unlocked using an Arcane Tome and regular experience levels. The knowledge for each scroll can be unlocked with experience levels up to 30 by right clicking the book while it's in your hand, and going through the pages and clicking on the spell(s) you wish to unlock. On the final page of the book, you have the option to write scrolls. To do so, you select the scroll you wish to write on the left side of the book, then go over to the write side and enter the quantity that you would like to write, provided you have the resources available to do so (a quill and a blank scroll, the crafting recipes for each found in your NEI menu).

    Helpful Links:
    Arcane Scrolls - Feed The Beast Wiki

    Necessity : Arcane Pouch - An Arcane Pouch is what stores the energy that is used to execute certain actions and to power the scrolls associated with this mod. Arcane Stones are the form of the fuel called "AE" that powers everything. You obtain AE by putting Arcane Stones into an Arcane Pouch. Arcane Pouches can be crafted, as shown below, and you can put AE into them by right clicking the pouch with however many Arcane Stones you'd like to put into the pouch. Each Arcane Stone counts for 50 AE. After putting the stones into your pouch, hovering over the pouch with your mouse will show you the current "charge".

    (Note: Any type of wool may be used to make an Arcane Pouch.)

    Anchor Stone - An Anchor Stone is an item you may craft that allows teleportation to a location determined by the user at the expense of AE. The location at which you teleport to is set by the player by right clicking the stone in the location they'd like to set. After setting the location, hovering over the stone will show you a set of coordinates, and the AE cost to teleport to that location, which never exceeds 1,000 AE while in the same world as the set location. To remove the location set onto the stone, the player may Shift-Right-Click with the stone in hand. This will allow them to set a new location for the stone if desired.

    While in a world that the anchor location is not, the AE cost will always be 200 AE. Fairly cheap, especially if you decide to go exploring in Mystcraft worlds or the Nether.


    Ars Magica 2:

    Overview- Ars Magica is a mod that allows players to create spells to cast that can serve numerous purposes such as attacking other entities and defending yourself or team members. Ars' spell casting is based off of the idea of an energy that can be used and regenerated that allows you to cast spells called Mana. Each spell, depending on the strength and use, costs a different amount of Mana. Your Skill in Ars Magica is something that can be leveled up by the use of spells or by using a rarely found item called Infinity Orbs which can be found in dungeons and such, and used by right clicking it while it's in your hand. New spells may be unlocked using things similar to levels called skill levels in a tool called an Occulus, then made on an Inscription Table, and finally fully crafted in a Crafting Altar while your book is placed on a lectern nearby.

    Helpful Links:
    Getting Started - Ars Magica
    Modded Minecraft - Ars Magica 2 - Getting Started Guide by iamkeq

    Ender IO:


    The Farlanders mod is quite simple. It's much like vanilla minecraft villages for the most part. As you may notice in your travels, there will be village-like structures made with End Stone. These villages belong to Wanderers. Wanderers are much like Villagers. You can trade Wanderers rubies (take note that there are a couple different kinds of rubies in the game, they only accept Farlander rubies) for various goods which may be quite difficult/impossible to get elsewhere. All mobs in the Farlander villages are passive.

    Along with the passive mobs, there are some neutral and hostile mobs as well. Rebel Farlanders look nearly identical to the wanderers that protect Farlander villages, however they have swords as opposed to bows and attack you with the ability to pass a short-lasting poison effect to you. They're quite easy to beat. Next is the Looter. Looters have the ability to snatch weapons that you attack them with (swords) and use them against you, so I advise that you attack them with axes or pickaxes.

    Now, there are three mobs that are likely much harder for you to defeat.

    First, Mystic Endermen. These are levitating endermen that carry around wands that vary in ability. The ability on the wand is completely randomized, but these mobs do have the capability to suffocate you by dropping a 3x3x3 cube of sand/gravel on you. It's quite difficult to escape, however if you're able to escape and kill it, the wands and their varying types prove to be useful.

    Second are Ender Golems. These are found outside of two-story end stone houses spread out throughout the world. Ender Golems have a health of 100 hp, and are about the size of 2 1/2 players. If you're able to fly then they shouldn't be so much of an issue, especially with a decent sword.

    Third, and the most daunting of the pack, are Titans. These are the size of 3+ players, and have three heads and a health of 120 hp. Fighting these can be quite difficult provided that they have the ability to lift you up and carry you whilst dealing damage to you. Having higher ground or fly is almost a necessity to take one down alone. I haven't noticed a set location for these to spawn, however I have frequently found them with Ender Golems at the two-story houses. These drop Titan Hide, which can be used to make Nightfall armor. This come pre-enchanted and is quite useful.

    Ganys End, Nether, & Surface:

    Magical Crops:



    Not Enough Items (NEI):

    Pam's Harvestcraft:




    Thaumcraft has been assigned its own thread, and can be found


    Thermal Expansion:

    Tinker's Construct:


    If there's something you feel I should discuss under one of the mods, please reply to the thread with it.

    Thanks for reading,
    Last edited: June 6, 2015
    Sephronia, HaydoJ, xdysfunkx and 3 others like this.
  2. Qazz


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    Last edited: June 6, 2015
  3. Qazz


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  4. Qazz


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