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Creative Help Guide: Commands

Discussion in 'Creative General' started by Vershye, July 3, 2015.

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  1. Vershye


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    September 26, 2011
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    This is an updated command guide for the Creative server.

    There are few limits to plots:

    • Personal Plots
      • You can only have 'One' plot per rank
      • You can only build on the plot that corresponds to your rank
    When you first claim a plot, you can build on it as much as you like. The server assumes that the bigger the plot is, the more time it has to take you in order to finish. Because of this assumption, you must wait one day times your rank in order to request a promotion, from the time that you claim the plot (e.g the first rank you must wait one day, the second rank you must wait two days, etc.).

    • Group Plots
      • You can only own 'One' plot per rank
      • You can only build on plots that you have been added to

    Group plots are not available to be put up for promotion. They are for you and your friends to build on together and explore your imaginations.

    Commands in Creative are simple, usually only requiring one argument (or none).

    KEY - [optional] <required>

    /c | /creative
    This command has different functionalities.

    If you are on the creative world: Shows help
    If you are not on the creative world: Teleports you to the creative world

    /c claim
    Use this command to claim a new plot

    /c clear
    Use this command to clear your plot. You must be standing towards the middle of your plot in order for the command to work.

    Warning: Can't be undone.

    Warning: If you have a bigger plot, it may take a while to fully clear or lag the server. Be patient

    /c home
    Using this command will teleport you to your current personal plot

    /c info [player]
    View information about yourself or another player. This information includes their rank, when they were last online, and what plots the person owns or is a member of.

    /c info: View information about yourself
    /c info player: View information about another player

    /c plotinfo [plot-id]
    View info about a plot. This includes who owns the plot and how many likes it has received.

    /c plotinfo: View information about the plot your standing in
    /c plotinfo plot-id: View information about the plot with the given id

    /c rank <rank num>
    Teleport to a random plot within the rank you specify. (Ranks are 1 through 6)

    /c submit
    When you are finished building your plot, type this command to put it up for review.

    /c unclaim
    Use this command to unclaim your plot. Used for both Personal and Group plots.

    Warning: If you have a bigger plot, it may take a while to fully clear or lag the server. Be patient
    Tip: Can only be used on your highest ranked personal plot, but can be used on any group plot you own.

    /c unsubmit
    If you need to modify something on your plot before it is reviewed

    /c view <player> [rank #]
    /c view <plot #>
    Teleport to a player's plot.

    /c view player: Teleport to a player's current plot.
    /c view player #: Teleport to a player's #th plot.
    /c view plot#: Teleport to the specified plot.

    Tip: This does not teleport you to a player!

    Group Commands
    /group or /cg

    /cg add <player>
    Adds the specified player to your group plot that you are currently over.

    /cg claim [rank #]
    Claims a group plot.

    /cg claim: Claims a group plot of the lowest available rank where you don't already have one.
    /cg claim #: Claims a group plot of the specified rank if you don't already own one.

    /cg clear
    Use this command to clear your plot. You must be standing towards the middle of your plot in order for the command to work.

    Warning: Can't be undone.
    Warning: If you have a bigger plot, it may take a while to fully clear or lag the server. Be patient

    /cg home <rank #>
    Teleport to your group plot.

    /cg home: Teleports to your highest rank group plot that you own.
    /cg home #: Teleports to your group plot of the specified rank if you own one.

    /cg remove [player]
    Remove the specified player from the group plot you are currently over.

    /c unclaim
    Use this command to unclaim your plot. Used for both Personal and Group plots.

    Cuboid Commands -
    Requires Rank 3+
    Cuboid Limits
    • Rank 3 - 250
    • Rank 4 - 500
    • Rank 5 - 1,000
    • Rank 6 - 15,000
    /edit pos1
    Set position 1 of the cuboid area.

    /edit pos2
    Set position 2 of the cuboid area.

    /edit set
    Fill the selected cuboid area with the item currently in your hand.

    /edit undo
    Undo the last edit.

    Tip: '/edit pos#' will set the edit position at the block your legs are in.
    Tip: The 'Nether Star' works similar to the World Edit wood axe. Left click a block to set pos1, and right click a block to set pos2.
    btarb24, Hallideadly and Fiver26 like this.
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