1. Play on the ImDeity Minecraft Multiplayer server -- Goto the "Multiplayer" section of Minecraft and type "mc.imdeity.com" to join!
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Comments on Profile Post by Numinex

  1. Fizzor
    Taxes are 5 dei per day. You can also check it by typing /kingdoms prices
    April 19, 2012
  2. Numinex
    Can you tell me why my account will just about empty by three quarters over two days?
    April 19, 2012
  3. Fizzor
    Sorry, I really have no idea how that is possible o.0
    April 20, 2012
  4. Numinex
    i know, its crazy. Its very hard to save the 6000 dei for the next rank upgrade. I have 1025 right now...
    April 20, 2012