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Comments on Profile Post by Xeaus

  1. heinz_gruber
    Sounds like a bunch of guys who ignored the leader and did a bodge job.....
    June 20, 2016
  2. ultrathewolf
    yea kinda agreeing with heinz there
    June 21, 2016
  3. heinz_gruber
    I dont think the Egyptians ignored their emperor somehow, and look how incredible the pyramids are, and how they have stood the test of time, despite being in a sorry state these days.

    Point is, the Emperor has vision, his subjects are short sighted, in the sense they cannot share his vision, they can try, however the princess Emperor is rarely satisfied
    June 21, 2016
  4. heinz_gruber
    With Crystalgard, the people worked hard, but the emperor cracked his whip when tangents or diversions happened, or deviations from the divine master plan. At the end of it i am sure they say "we did it ourselves as it was not the effort of 1 person but a whole team"
    June 21, 2016
  5. heinz_gruber
    but who was the true creator? the one who envisioned, organized, planned, explained, commissioned and supervised the entire thing and solved every problem that would be presented, the workers need guidance, so the leader has to take all the credit good and bad.
    June 21, 2016
  6. heinz_gruber
    The thing with Crystalgard was i had so many helpers, that it was impossible for me to manage them, i would spend more time explaining things, that were pretty inexplicable to some people.
    June 21, 2016
  7. heinz_gruber
    Only a few gifted players can run with an idea . A special assistant is one who will build the way you want them to build, but knows when to use initiative and not over step the mark in terms of conflicting plans and waking up one morning and thinking they are in charge.

    So basically being a leader is easy, being a good leader....Very hard. - Heinz Gruber 2016
    June 21, 2016
  8. heinz_gruber
    sorry for that long story, but the conclusion is, i do not want to be a leader again anytime soon. xD

    Managing a hierarchy on Minecraft sometimes with a lot of children, it can be problematic lol
    June 21, 2016
  9. ultrathewolf
    idk i don't have kids yet and im not the leader type
    June 21, 2016