1. Play on the ImDeity Minecraft Multiplayer server -- Goto the "Multiplayer" section of Minecraft and type "mc.imdeity.com" to join!
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Comments on Profile Post by gpekic

  1. thejacoborg
    Players are never banned without good reason and strong supporting evidence. I suggest that, while you are banned, you reflect upon what you may have done wrong and how you can avoid doing those things in the future. If you have an issue with how another player is behaving, I'm sure any moderator would be willing to hear what you have to say and help in any way possible. [...]
    January 17, 2015
  2. thejacoborg
    In addition, if you feel that a player is misinterpreting what you consider as a joke, I suggest that you stop making said jokes, and/or distance yourself from that player to avoid future repercussions.
    January 17, 2015
  3. gpekic
    Oh obviously i'l stop insulting people by jokingly calling them "noobs" because that's a really hurtfull and vulgar word that should never be used, not to mention the backtalk from said player
    January 18, 2015
  4. Fiver26
    wait, people actually get banned for harassing others? really? i mean, i was told to ignore the person who was continuously calling me a freak and insulting my family...the more you know i guess
    January 21, 2015
  5. thejacoborg
    If rules are broken and it is reported to a moderator I'm sure it will be dealt with appropriately.
    January 21, 2015
  6. Fiver26
    Well versh and deity actually got on it and told me just to ignore the individual....
    January 21, 2015
  7. gpekic
    Yeah, /ignore exists if you are so insulted by anything <.<, i'm saying it's silly
    January 22, 2015
  8. thejacoborg
    1) no, /ignore doesnt exist
    2) if someone insults someone else and a moderator, in their judgement, agrees that it is against the rules, appropriate action will be taken.
    January 23, 2015