1. Play on the ImDeity Minecraft Multiplayer server -- Goto the "Multiplayer" section of Minecraft and type "mc.imdeity.com" to join!
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Comments on Profile Post by KILL3RTACO

  1. Arwenden
    Does this mean we can make a game out of it as well? :D
    You know these teleporter games in other games? You have first one teleport, and then 2 to choose from and up to 15 or something to reach your final goal and win. It's fun!
    February 20, 2014
    Yeah, I'm sure if someone wanted to make a map like that they would :P perhaps floating islands with teleporters on them and everyone's running to kill each other
    February 20, 2014
  3. Arwenden
    This is getting implemented in the server?
    If so we could make an event out of it. But then we need to change the teleporters destination each week, haha. Mimi. But yeah I can look into a map for this, although I prefer a game without PvP, this is just competing to be first w/o hurting one another.. xD
    February 21, 2014
  4. Arwenden
    But yeah if you want to add another PvP map or game you can make the island idea.
    February 21, 2014
    Actually, it's a separate project of mine :p I tend to do that lol. If deity finds that he wants to use the plugin I have no objections, but I'm not asking him to.
    February 22, 2014