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Comments on Profile Post by missmimo8

  1. eltono999
    How could you start calling him panda! I'm shocked and hurt and slightly hungry..
    January 17, 2012
  2. missmimo8
    Read my other comment eltono! Don't feel sad! I call him panda because calling him iSquared is a bit annoying to type so i call him Panda! So don't feel hurt, your the first Panda, and anyway I never see you =( But both Panda's are awesome and amazing!
    January 17, 2012
  3. iSquared
    eltono, I know that you have been a panda for very long. Can it be true that you are my panda brother?
    January 17, 2012
  4. eltono999
    I feel better now =D except the hungry bit..and the "uh.." was to gwen, cause she forgot about me, and seeing as im the iriginal panda, even though isq doesnt beleive me..
    January 17, 2012
  5. iSquared
    my lost panda brother *
    January 17, 2012
  6. iSquared
    Dude, I believe you.. Don't accuse me of stuff that I've never said.
    January 17, 2012
  7. eltono999
    Its true..we are brothers...brothers in panda!
    January 17, 2012
  8. iSquared
    Woo :D Actually my lost lost brother Mojinax is lost... He was also a true panda of flesh and bamboo, but he left :C
    January 17, 2012
  9. eltono999
    Beleive is the wrong word, but anyway, its hard doing this via phone. I think i meant have any of it. i remember once we had a battle in pvp to see who the real panda was. i, sucking at pvp as i do, losthorribly =P
    pvp being panda vs panda of course
    January 17, 2012
  10. eltono999
    I remember mojinax, he was indeed a true panda..didnt he build a castle in the sky once? Back on the first map? Also sorry for double post
    January 17, 2012
  11. iSquared
    Hmmm I cna't remember.. But I'm going on with studying agian.. I got distracted :P
    January 17, 2012
  12. eltono999
    Easy to get distracted with deity =P farewell panda brother
    January 17, 2012