1. Play on the ImDeity Minecraft Multiplayer server -- Goto the "Multiplayer" section of Minecraft and type "mc.imdeity.com" to join!
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Comments on Profile Post by FrauMedic

  1. Qazz
    Dude. Take your time. I found this out the hard way: Depending on how long you take to get through the game it develops your white forest/black city. Since I blazed through it my city is hardly developed. Take your time so that your white forest has high development.
    June 13, 2013
  2. FrauMedic
    Cool. I've had the game for like a year and I haven't done anything.
    June 13, 2013
  3. Qazz
    Well like, in game time spent. Not real life time sadly lol.
    June 13, 2013
  4. FrauMedic
    June 13, 2013
  5. Qazz
    Yeaah.. I apparently missed out on a "quest" if you will due to my hurried gameplay. And in the white forest, if you take enough time, there is tall grass where you can catch tons of pokemon from other regions
    June 13, 2013