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Comments on Profile Post by ChoclateMuffin

  1. FrauMedic
    Once I stepped on a wood chip and it almost went through my toe. I was like, 9. Good times.
    December 17, 2011
  2. ChoclateMuffin
    Wait did the wood chip go almost through your whole toe?
    December 17, 2011
  3. Leviathan_Ziz
    I once stepped on half a broken piece of glass... It went in atleast 3 cm (1,2 inches), and it bled like a madman:P... Couldn't walk on it for several weeks.
    December 17, 2011
  4. ChoclateMuffin
    Did you miss school? If so then you are lucky!
    December 17, 2011
  5. Leviathan_Ziz
    Nop i was able to walk at school again, sucked:(
    December 17, 2011
  6. ChoclateMuffin
    Wow I thought you would have missed at least 1 week of school
    December 17, 2011