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Server wants to know: Class perks

Discussion in 'Kingdoms General' started by SaintThunder, April 25, 2015.

  1. Mojinax


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    Building off of Qazz's suggestion, I had suggested a long time ago that we take the idea of the mall and apply it to towns. I feel there would be a greater sense of community if you could go to Market Square in Doha and buy from your fellow town members. Now this, of course, would lead to the abolition of the mall and I'm sure the people who choose not to join a town will be disappointed, but maybe that will force them to join a town.

    Additionally, although not necessary, I would like it to be so only town members can buy items from the town shopping center. This would boost the importance of a town that has a strong economy, and encourage others to find ways to improve theirs. HOWEVER, the flaws of this would be obviously that big towns would dominate over little ones. That's a rough theory, though. There are several monkey wrenches that are thrown into the equation that is choosing a town. Another obvious flaw would be that the merchants would lose a good portion of their sales, BUT I also suggest (and I know I'm going way to in depth for something that will never be implemented) that we leave taxing the shopkeepers to the towns. A town such as Doha that would be an economic powerhouse maybe wants to charge their shopkeepers a flat rate of 300 dei a day, or take 15% off of all sales. Small towns would not tax their merchants, attracting more merchants to join their town and in turn, more residents.

    To agree with my idea, however, you would have to share my mindset. I support the survival of the fittest idea. Many towns would be deleted a few weeks/months after its creation due to the competition from the larger towns. Some would make it, many others would not. I had proposed a while ago that I would like to see on a handful of towns on the map, mandated via staff. This would be a handful of towns on the map, mandated by the people. I also like the sense of a strong community. I started a town several years ago called Vodka which I attempted to run on a socialistic theory. As the town was just beginning, I gave people money for the items they collected and gave to the town. I also gave them a quota of items they had to donate to a town as their job. For example, a lumberjack had to cut 64 logs and donate them to the town. Each stack past that would be paid in full. It worked for a little bit, but I'm a bad leader (a much better adviser) and I just kind of gave up on the town. I'd like to see this server become more dependent on community and to have a functioning economy based off of that. Most people on this server are here for themselves, for their own enjoyment. Most people on this server do not collaborate with one another, we're simply content digging away at an endless wall of stone until we hit diamonds, going to the mall, selling them, and using the money to fund a solo building project. Do note I said most, not all.

    That's my theory, at least, if we were to implement town malls which only town members could buy from. I'd love to see that acted out just for the results in 2 years time. Won't be, but it's an interesting idea that we could hopefully semi-implement with giving merchants a few chests to place around the world. It would be nice to see this server think outside the box we've built ourselves into, and instead of revamping we would create. I typed a lot more than I thought I would on this one. This is why I love the forums here :p always a controversial or interesting topic to expand on. Thanks.
    Qazz and Niall like this.
  2. HeroMorgueZ


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    hi :) ok so i know it says that craftsman already has the most perks but maybe add something like a tree assist thing for craftsmen at rank 1 or 2 maybe just a thought thanks regards hero and ill think about ideas for nobles and merchants it will come to me one day lol
  3. SaintThunder


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    Please expand on what "tree assist" is. It becomes difficult to implement ideas if you only put the names of them down and not what they do.
  4. HeroMorgueZ


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    umm there is a tree assist plugin or the tree capitator mod pretty much you chop the bottom part of the tree with an axe and it just auto chops the rest of it down i hope this helps ???????????
  5. Mojinax


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    I thought we had that at one point? I'd agree that would be a good perk for laborers. Should give laborers a good amount of skills like that. Maybe a skill where they can blow a 3x3 chunk of rock instead of 1 rock at a time, same with sand and dirt. Lifts, potions, and redstone devices don't seem like a good enough incentive to me.
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  6. BarryX15


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    If it is what i think it is, then its "Tree Feller" MCMMO ability. Never allowed on this server though (correct me if it was unrestricted in 2011).
    Breaking 3x3 blocks at once or any other mining speed-up perks are unnecessary when we have Efficiency tools, Haste beacons and teamwork.
    heinz_gruber and asdfjkll2 like this.
  7. HeroMorgueZ


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    tree feller comes from mcmmo ive been on servers that use this never been a fan

    tree capitator is a mod ive used this didnt like it cause its olny really for single player i think

    tree assist is a plugin thats y i think this one is best you only get the wood it doesnt give any specail items and no bonuses so :)
  8. squeezal


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    Most of the ftb servers Imdeity has had have had some form of tree capacitor, or the ability to make items which do the same thing. I love it and would be all for it as a class perk, but I think it's been shot down before. I think Imdeity's goal is to keep the server as vanilla as possible, even while adding to it.
  9. Zone


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    February 4, 2015
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    I looked up the "TreeAssist" plugin, and I find it's a bit too overpowered in a sense.

    Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I watched a few videos and looked on the webpages regarding the TreeAssist plugin, and essentially the plugin is a Multiplayer version of "Tree Capitator". In relation I searched up some old posts regarding if Tree Capitator had been mentioned in the past, while they were old posts from 2011, here is a quote from Smc;

    The plugin allows people to basically break one bottom block of a tree, where it breaks down all of the wood above it. From all the videos I've seen, including the ability to auto plant saplings. But it has mentioned on the webpages it's introduced, some things may be able to be configured differently.

    Just to contribute an idea in my own little way, perhaps the plugin could be changed or perhaps a similar version could be created in the future after the more important parts of the server is fixed.

    If the plugin were to be added, or something similar - perhaps have it so that only a certain rank, say Merchant Rank 3 which Barry had suggested here so it can be used to help out merchants or players in need of items, in addition to also have the ability to cut down full trees only for maybe every 5 minutes for example.

    But overall in my opinion, the plugin itself unrestricted is too over powered, with the ability to cut down large amounts of trees and earn large amounts of logs in a short time, could basically destroy the price of logs.
    zoroa_14, BarryX15 and asdfjkll like this.
  10. MasahiroRina


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    Would it break the system to have the potions be made by Nobles instead of by Craftsmen? That would have the effect of powering up the Noble class while nerfing the Craftsmen class. An equalizer, so to speak. And in the storyline you would have the benefit of the noble-scholar holed up in his tower doing crazy chemistry experiments. Well, I'm not too familiar with the lore. Then you would also have the Nobles going out on hunts to get the ingredients they need, sort of like knights. Well... we could write stories about that, at any rate.
    heinz_gruber likes this.
  11. CastielsFeathers


    June 3, 2015
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    if you think about it though nobles would be "to busy" running towns and such to have time to just go gallivanting about to make potions though, its kinda like how in mythology the king had a sorcerer (in this case a noble having a craftsman) to make all his potions and spells for him. Maybe having some spells made my nobles only would work (we;re able to make it so not everyone can enchant everything, hopefully thats not to hard...) im not formilier with all the potions, but there may be some this logic would apply to
  12. MasahiroRina


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    Yeah, I was thinking along these lines. Maybe a lower-class noble could be the Potionmaster or something.

    Obviously I don't have the experience of being an upperclass noble, but wasn't someone complaining that if you aren't the leader of the town yourself, you don't have any class-based method of making money? There would of course be the noble running a town or kingdom, but currently it seems as if the class was designed to be a much smaller population than the others, like it doesn't even support a larger population.

    I'm thinking it might be fun to run a town someday. First I have to get rich. Really rich. And then I'll be switching classes. Because honestly, I don't see how I would be expected to be able to make enough money to start a town, not as a noble.

    If we broke each ability down into it's own tier-able skill, and then be able to take 2 or 3 skills, it might be interesting. Like, Potionmaster, Digger, Husbander, Scholar, Engineer, etc...

    I personally would appreciate Engineering and Farming bonuses, since those are the things I do the most. But potions, breeding, and mob-slaying aren't really my thing.

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