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[RP] Kingdoms of EarthSea and WindFire: The Shadow Wars

Discussion in 'Art of ImDeity: Kingdoms' started by LupusOmegaX, May 8, 2013.

  1. melvin484


    April 24, 2013
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    "Why do people call you that?" "Well, its kinda my name." "Wait, thats really your name? Oh." "Hehe, I get that a lot. Dont worry, let me tell you a few things. I was born with a neurological eye problem which means my eyes are not aligned properly, I might be clumsy, but that does not mean I am dumb." "Interesting." I said. "Yeah! I am a mail-girl, its easy for me because my eye thats pointing down shows the address and I can look where I am going at the same time!" Ditzy said. "Oh, woah, thats cool! Hey, I was wondering. Why do you think I would just fall through the ground and fall out of the sky like that?"

    Ditzy fell silent. "Well...it might be a challenge from the gods. A test to see if you are ready, for 'it'"

    "What? That does not make sense, and whats 'it'?"

    "Well, he's pretty clearly coming. It will happen soon. But enough of this gooey stuff."

    "Gooey stuff? What?" Redstar sat his tea on the table. "Whats going on?"
    "Like I said, not important. Come here, I want to give you the other things that fell with you."
    Redstar did not respond, instead he followed ditzy into her bedroom. Ditzy turned around, and handed me my sword.
    "What?" Redstar ripped the sword out of ditzys hand, and she looked suprised. When redstar blinked, he felt weird. Really weird. He dropped the sword, and grabbed ditzy and pushed her out of the way. "Whats wrong with yo-"

    The sword. It, it, it was hovering. It lifted up, and before we could react something burst through the ceiling.

    A mixture of Fire, Water, and Electricity. Surging through the sword. I ran towards it, and stepped slowly when I got close. I grabbed it slowly, and it felt good. When I touched it, its like it was a timeline of my life. I could see it, grell- wait. No no no no, not this. It was grell, and her cat friend. Then I saw it, my parents. Grell was there. Infront of their house. She busted through the door, and took her sword. Her cat friend looks worried, she swung it and it hit my parents.

    Both of them. It was like time slowed down. I screamed, and grabbed the sword and cried. I started weeping and screeching.

    Last thing I said to my parents was "I hate you". They banished me from the town, the whole town did. They thought my powers were witchcraft. Ditzy was somewhere. I looked down at the sword one last time.

    "What was that?" I gulped. I could not go try to fight, thats a deathwish! I could not die again, no not again. She was powerful. Thats not even a thought.

    Then I remembered. She was a shadow, or whatever, possessed.
    "Redstar. Who was that?"



    The epic not so end.
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  2. ripper34


    October 14, 2011
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    (Sorry for the delay, also I'm taking a break from Mc, so you'll see Kelly on more most of the time, I thought I'd just visit and update my story.)
    The Swarmed
    As the city drew closer I could see that everything looked normal, odd I could have sworn I heard some noise of screaming, then I noticed something offsetting. There was a swarm of people all going after two noticeable specks that seemed to be going into the large centered castle of the city. Flying towards the doors of the castle to see who, or what the people were chasing after, but as I got closer and could see the people more, I noticed that they weren't regular people, their eyes were glazed over, with a lifeless blank look on their face. I reach the doors, but I don't land, rather I stay in the air, cautious if the two weren't friendly.
    "Are you okay? Who are you, and what's going on?"
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  3. LupusOmegaX


    • Diamond
    February 15, 2013
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    The sunlight of dawn was creeping over the mountaintops. Its light flooded into the throne room through the gargantuan skylight. The silence that filled the room was deafening, especially after being chased by a screaming mob of zombies. The funny thing was, just before the doors closed I swore I could see a huge bird coming after us, but I wasn’t willing to open those doors to find out now. Everything just feels like it’s leaving me behind now, especially my sanity. It all just feels like some sort of dreamy haze, filled with broken hopes. I looked up and across at the person whose voice I heard just now. Why was Tita on the other side of the room? I brought my concentration back into view and looked harder. It wasn’t actually Tita. Tita was right beside me. The other man was walking up to Tita. He whispered in his ear, but I couldn’t hear what he said. Then they both looked at me and the other one smirked. Tita looked shocked then walked up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders and stared deep into my eyes. He stared so deep that his own eyes shapes were changing and morphing until they looked like some sort of strange triangle. He opened his mouth and started speaking, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. My hair started glowing too. What was happening? I was starting to see holes everywhere too, like reality was tearing apart. My vision finally started to fade. The last thing I saw was some sort of shimmering link running between Tita and the other one. It was connected to me too.
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  4. ripper34


    October 14, 2011
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    Continuation of The Swarmed
    Before I could reach inside the castle, the doors slam shut, quickly looking around and I notice that the zombies have come to a halt. Trying to find an opening in the great walls of the palace, only to be in vein, I fly up and find a sky light made of elegantly crafted glass.
    "Well, I guess I'll make an opening" Hovering over the glass I point downward, "Icantorus" a small beam of light shoots from my index finger and hits the glass, at first it doesn't break, but after a second the glass shatters, making a hole with a radius of 4 feet. Slowly floating down the hole, but still staying in the air to avoid the people on the ground.
    "Sorry about that, now, what's going?", breaking the silence of the room, noticing that the figures in the castle were standing still.
  5. LupusOmegaX


    • Diamond
    February 15, 2013
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    Dimon walked up to me calmly.
    “I said, why hello, dear brother.” He stared daggers at me, but I stayed silent, and ignored him.
    “Not going to give your little brother a hug?” He shouted. I continued to stay my ground. It looked like Skylar was hurt so I lay her down.
    “You’re a fool, Tita! Don’t you see what she is?” I turned around and was getting ready to shout at him, but he was already right upon me. He leaned in and whispered in my ear.
    “Silver hair.” With those words he looked at her and smirked. All I could do was stare into thin air and gape. I walked over to her and stared into her eyes. Looking for the change that was so necessary to make it all true. I stared, and stared. And then I saw it. Her eyes started to morph into that all too familiar triangle shape. I could feel the link starting to connect. How had I not seen it before? Her natural ability for the words, that blasted shining silver hair, which by now was glowing. She looked at me and fell unconscious. A tear rolled down her cheek.
    “You see it now, don’t you? She is the physical embodiment of Nawa.”
    I readied my sword, preparing to strike, when suddenly there was a crash in the glass above us, and some sort of bird dropped through. It wasn’t a bird though, and it started to speak.
    “Sorry about that, now, what’s going on?”
    Dimon stared at him, his face convoluting into one of anger.
    Iugatata!” The bird-man’s wings disappeared and he fell towards the ground. He hit the ground with a terrible thud, but he wasn’t dead. Just unconscious. Dimon then walked up to me, standing face to face. I looked in his eyes and saw the triangle that his eyes should be, but I also saw something else. Behind him was a shadow. A shadow that shouldn’t have been there, and it was filled with rage. Dimon then raised a dagger up to my throat and slide it across my voice box. As I also began to drift into unconsciousness I heard him speak in whispers.
    “You will not die. Not today.”
  6. melvin484


    April 24, 2013
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    Redstar panted. He was running, did not know where, but he was running. Until he saw a broken window.

    He walked up to it, wondering where Ditzy was, and used his steam to make him gain altitude. He jumped in the window, and saw a person lying there.


    He looked at the other people.

    "I can leave, you know, if you want..? Hehe?"
  7. gwen100888


    • Gold
    April 16, 2012
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    Grell huffed in the fridge air taking in everything around her, as her shadow followed behind her, Fang at her side.
    G: "You know I've been thinking about that boy a lot lately, and what happened in that village not long ago"
    F: "Yeah what about it?"
    G: "Well... I uh... killed people back there... and they were his parents"
    F: "Why do you have a problem now you never had one before?"
    G: "Its just... I feel bad for him... he probably loved them and wanted to see them again someday."
    F: "Grell, he was exiled from that village."
    G: "What?"
    F: "He isn't welcome back there"
    G: "But why?"
    F: "His magic that's why."
    G: "What's wrong with magic?"
    F: "They think it is the work of Satan, if you were to go there, and done some crazy things... you who have been put up for trial and executed, the town is insane and filled with hysteria, no one can save them... it's best if we stay away from them from now on..."
    S: "Your friend is right"
    G: "You stay out of this Shadow"
    S: "I'm only trying to further warn you, but I guess I'll stay out."
    G: "Whatever I don't need you anyway."
    F: "Grell, I would listen he has been alive the longest out of all of us and he knows more."
    G: "Oh really? Then what could have possibly caused it."
    S: "An illness" Shadow mumbled
    G: "What did you say?"
    S: "An illness."
    G: "Please tell me more, just so I can make sure you aren't lying."
    ~To be Continued~
    ((I couldn't figure out how to color it xD))
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  8. melvin484


    April 24, 2013
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    1 hour before the events of my last update.

    "I cant believe it. That she would go so low to where she would kill them. I loved them, obviously they didnt love me, but I loved them."

    "But whos grell, and what would possess her to do that?"

    That word. Possessed. It stuck in my mind like a leech.
    Redstar has met grell before.
    But what he automatically noticed, was that she wasnt herself. Grell was mean, heh, and rude. But she would never try to kill Redstar. Redstar knew "old" grells emotional weaknesses. He knew that whatever did this to her, is sick.
    But smart. Smart enough to know how to do it and how to block Grells emotions.
    Thats why he thought of something.
    Wouldn't the Shadow have a weakness? Sure, maybe not emotionally, but maybe physically. Not killing it.

    But changing it.
    Redstar thought of this for awhile, until Ditzy waved his hand infront of his face.

    "I know you're sad, but you dont have to go wonky and crazy on me."
    Redstar took a look at his sword, now charged.

    And wondered.
  9. ripper34


    October 14, 2011
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    Climbing from the hiding place I had stowed away in the night before, I could feel the sun warming my palish skin, it no longer had the tan brown color, it was now a disturbed corrupt pale, with the look of someone who has been sub combed to desires. My hair as well had changed to a strange color of black with a few hints of grey, I no longer bothered with the blinding and concealing helmet made to hide the aura like eyes, that seemed to make smoke around my eyes, and created a heat, almost like the centers were made of burning coals. Even my armor has seemed to have a slight tarnish to it, as well as my sword, rather than being a normal long sword it has grown in length, and has become slightly thinner for better maneuvering, it almost looks like there was an eye between the hilt and the blade. I walk from the hiding place I had stayed in, to a more open yet still secretive spot.
    A dark aura began to seep from the ground and arise to the surface, and from within the aura came out a tall dark figure, all features concealed by smoke and wisps of the dark aura, making a pure silhouette.
    "You called?"
    "Yes, I have done what you said, the king is now not among the living, may we now speak of payment?"
    "Payment, what makes you assume I will pay you, do you think you have that authorit-......" I interrupt the familiar voice by grabbing the figures throat.
    "I think it's you who has lost your authority, you've become weak.... Shadow Lord..... you should have seen this coming after all, we both have one thing in common, the desire for power. Interes"
    The figure slowly fades, the smoke fades and begins to reveal just a being of solid dark aura, taking a few steps back only to feel my feet grasped by the aura as it creeps up my body and slowly fades into my skin, although most is coughed out from my body attempting to reject it.
    "Curses! Do be defeated by a mere boy, a pawn too!"
    "This pawn just put you an end, if I were you I would keep your mouth shut."
    "You don't get it boy, do you? There isn't a 'getting rid of me', the only way you can get rid of me is from the source of where I came from. Feel lucky you were able to retain such great control, I can only manage to communicate with you, but I will warn you, if you give me the slightest chance, I will destroy you and take this body for myself."
    "Ha, don't get to confident."
    The voice fades, everything feels some much more at ease, I feel as if anything were possible, although I could feel a small part of myself being torn away, or siphoned, almost like it was trying to call me back to something. Feeling a strong sense of instinct I look towards the call, I was about to run but then I remembered my newly found powers, smirking at the thought for some reason, almost uncontrollably like someone else was.
    My body began to sink to a puddle of dark aura and smoke, it felt almost as if I were falling through the earth and then being pulled back up to a new location, I was on a tall tower in a large city, the tower was relatively close to a large castle that seemed to be the center of attention to a crowd of silent, waiting people, with a closer look I can see the blank look on their face and tell that they are being controlled by some spell, the aura around them seemed familiar like the power that mine seemed to be leaking into. Trying to take a step to get a better look to see if I could look inside the castle, only to feel a hit of nausea my body, and I threw up off the side of the tower, it seemed that I was not used the the strange type of teleportation spell. Cleaning up what was left around my mouth and spitting out the flavor left in my mouth I look closer at the castle, I can feel my power being called from inside the walls, almost beckoning for me to return.
    Last edited: November 4, 2013
  10. melvin484


    April 24, 2013
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    Everyone looked at Redstar.

    And he bolted out the window. He calmed to a walk.

    "That was by far the creepiest thing I have seen here."

    "Sooo, you never told me about grell. What part of she is important in your life?"
    "She killed me and I came back and wussied out."

    Redstar was subtle, because he was thinking of Grell. About shadow.
    About Fang.
    See, redstar was actually kinda worried.
    It was Grell, fang, and shadow and even Ditzy.

    Redstar has gotten into a crap situation, and he is worried about Ditzys safety.
    Redstar turned around, and grabbed hold of Ditzys hand. He smiled.

    Ditzy kinda shuddered but hold grip.

    She was the only one that he had in this situation.
  11. LupusOmegaX


    • Diamond
    February 15, 2013
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    3 unconscious people lay on the floor in front of me. I squatted down and looked at Tita’s face more closely. He certainly had the eye shape which was symbolic of the unity between the Three. Further proof that this little girl that lay in front of me was without a doubt Nawa. But how? Nawa had never taken a physical vassal before. It was believed to have been impossible considering the sheer magnitude of his, or more rather, her power. Things were starting to look up though. I stood up again and walked over towards the bird man who had shown up out of nowhere. His wings were starting to fade back into sight, but they were still intangible. He should be able to stay unconscious long enough for him to be transported into the dungeons anyway.
    “Zilus!” I called for the Captain. “Take them…”
    “I can leave, you know, if you want…? Hehe?”
    I looked back up at the skylight. A boy was lowering himself into the room using steam as a propulsion system. Primitive, but unsurprising for this world. I drew Soulrend from its scabbard and Blinked so that I was above the boy. There have been far too many distractions today. I started falling past him, head first, and when I was beside him I swung, but he somehow managed to dodge. I looked up at the ground which was now rushing at me. I closed my eyes and let myself relax. Just this one last time, I’ll watch myself fall. I just about hit the ground when I felt something catch me and flip me over so that I landed on my feet. I looked around, but saw no one. I felt… Colder than usual standing here. I felt a presence though, so I closed my eyes and tried to sense it. I didn’t need to worry about the boy just yet. He was distracted by those 3. I started concentrating on the presence and a large, roughly human shaped shadow formed in my mind.

    “Who are you?” I asked it. It replied with telepathy.
    I am nothing, yet I am everything. The beginning, the end. No one, and everyone.
    “I meant your name.”
    I have no name. Speak in your mind now, boy. He cannot hear me.
    What do you want then?
    I want nothing, for I am nothing. Yet I also want everything, for I am everything.
    Why should I waste my time with you?
    Because I am you.

    I opened my eyes. I looked down at my hands and saw darkness was starting to penetrate my body. My fingertips were pitch black and mutilated, finishing in a sharp point. Seeing myself be like this… It made me… Angry? I walked up to Tita again, and threw the boy against a wall with a flick of my wrist. He groaned and was still conscious, but it looked like he didn’t want to move, seeing as the where he hit the wall left a little crater. I bent down and lifted Tita's head close to mine and whispered in his ear.
    “I’m sorry Tita, but it’s time all of us went home…” I shed a tear. This was going to be harder on me than it was going to be for him.
    Rimorinku…” With those words, a bright surge of light spread forth from me and slowly enveloped the whole world. When it disappeared I saw that I was back in our home castle in the city of Fryst, but no one else was here with me. I looked up and saw the now all too familiar sight of the disintegrating sky.

    “Welcome home, everyone…”
  12. LupusOmegaX


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    February 15, 2013
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    Everyone in the whole world has been transported to a new one. While it is vaguely similar to the first world, this one is seperated into 6 continents, each of a different element. They are the continents of Mita, Iuku, Kuri, Meishi, Gashi, and Chishi. You notice that any normal bystanders seem to be nothing more than pure black shades, frozen in time. It is a perpetual night here, and the sky has a ghastly sight. A pure white sun is being absorbed by a pitch black moon. Surely this world is hell? Evil creatures still roam everywhere, with a larger portion of them being 4th dimensional beings. Have fun, and good luck.
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  13. melvin484


    April 24, 2013
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    "Ditzy? Ditzy, this is not funny." Redstar said, trembling in fear. Redstar looked up to see the sky was pitch black with dark, dark blue swirls. Redstar never remembered coming here, he just was. Like when you forget when you fall asleep. Like that.

    Redstar walked fast, looking for anyone to help him. He found someone, except it was not someone, it was


    Redstar walked up to it slowly and touched it. It was frozen, like, frozen in time. He tried everything, talking, poking, everything.
    And nothing happened.

    He got scared, he did not know what was going on.

    Until he heard footsteps, but not from a person. Like,

    A giant.
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  14. LupusOmegaX


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    February 15, 2013
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    Home-Coming 1

    I awoke with a start, sweat dripping off my brow and with an unbearable burning sensation on my throat. All of this felt familiar, but I’ve never experienced something like this before. I lay back down. I was exhausted beyond belief, so I lay, and looked up at the sky, but there was something wrong. The sky, it was the all too familiar sight of home. So I stood up and looked around. I seemed I was in the Pass of God. I could see Endsreach Tower off in the distance and Skylar was… Wait, where was Skylar?
    “Skylar!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. When I spoke it suddenly hit me, my throat was slit, so how was I able to talk? I ran my finger across where the cut was, and as my finger ran across it I felt it heal under my touch.
    “That’s… New…”
    I grabbed the sword from the other world. If we were back home, then things would get a lot more dangerous from here on out. I walked toward Endsreach as quickly as I could. I suspected Dimon would be back in Fryst, and the quickest way there would be through Eden, the ancient complex running all underneath the planet’s surface. Hopefully the monitors there will show me where Skylar is as well.

    Home-Coming 2

    “Ruin! Get here now!”
    A large dragon-like creature phased through time and appeared before Dimon.
    What would you have me do, my liege?
    “Find Tita and bring him to me.” I told the otherworldly creature “I need him close if I’m to complete Totality.”
    Very well. Your will be done in time as it is out.
    With those words he flew out the gargantuan window facing the city and phased out of sight again. When the dragon disappeared a small robot walked out from the shadows.
    “Master, might I ask why you brought everyone here? And why have some not fallen to The Shade like so many others?”
    “Alis, you wouldn’t understand the fact that I didn’t bring everyone here for no reason. I brought them all back to where they came from.” The robot still looked quizzical as to what I had done. “And concerning the ones still alive, I have no idea, but I believe Nawa has bigger plans for them. This is war, after all.”

    Home-Coming 3

    I felt a wet tongue run up my cheek. It was cold, but the breath behind it fixed that. I opened my eyes and saw a giant dog looking down at me and panting. It looked a little bit like a wolf. I smiled at it and it turned its head to the side slightly.
    “Where are we, boy?”
    We are on Nawa, the planet that is of your namesake.
    I opened my eyes wide. Did that wolf just talk back to me?
    Yes, I did.
    “Umm…” I stood up quickly, but lost my balance and fell back down again. The wolf nuzzled me, so I gave it a scratch behind the ears.
    “Where’s Tita, boy?”
    Coming. Look up.
    I did, and saw a giant, white tower was right behind me. It was so tall I couldn’t even see the top.
    “What is that…?”
    Endsreach Tower. Relic of this world. It was left behind by ancients known as “Humans” millions of years ago.
    “Wait, millions of years? Does that mean…?”
    Yes, this is the future to you, but the past to me, even if time doesn’t exist in this place anymore.
    “Well, Tita is definitely coming for me, right?”
    He’s here now.
    I looked past the wolf and saw TIta standing there. When I looked back at it, the wolf was gone.
    “Skylar!” Tita fell on his knees and cried.
  15. ripper34


    October 14, 2011
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    Getting up after waking in the strange world that seemed to be frozen in time, darkened by the void-like sky. The strange feeling of being pulled towards something seemed to still be here, it seems what ever brought me here must have some relation. Looking around only to see the few scattered figures that were still as stone, then I noticed a body, one apart from the others, asleep on the ground. I walk over to find a young man sleeping, although, he seemed to be very abnormal, his whole body seemed to radiate pure energy as well as it seemed to be composed of it, on his back were wings that seemed to be still developing, a few parts were burnt. Maybe this boy could be of some use.
    Kicking at the unconscious body.

    "Get up!"
    Feeling a foot being pressed into my side I get up and see who or what was there, only to go into a blank stare. In front of me was a tall pale man, he wore scale like armor, the color seemed to be tarnished with an odd color of pure black, his narrow thin face was somewhat normal, disregarding the few odd features he had, his eyes seemed to be like two burning embers, his ears seemed to be more pointed, almost like a wolf's, I also noticed when he smiled that his teeth were sharp. In his right hand he held a strange sword, it was at least 6", the metal used to make was a dark matte-like black (looks like carbonized steel), on the hand guard an eye seemed to be there, it was set dead on me, I could see his hand clutching the blade, something strange was moving and interlocking with his fingers, almost like a moving string lacing through his hand.
    "Are you just going to sit there gawking?"
    Feeling a dark chill down my back as I heard that voice again, stunned.
    "Who are you?"
    "It's very rude to answer with a question you know, why don't we start with you."
    "Elen..... Elen Vernoa"
    "Are you mocking me boy!" Grabbing me by the neck and holding me up, gasping for air I manage to say something.
    "No, it... it's all I remember." The hand released dropping me to the ground.
    "Hmmm, if that's true, you aren't of much use to me, sorry you had to die in this confusion, but think of this as a favor, I'll be putting you in a better place" The figure brought the long blade up and pointed at where my heart should be. Panicking to find a way out of this looking around to find nothing, if I can keep a steady pace maybe I can make a run for it, taking my closest chance at survival I raise my right hand and yell.
    "Anakh" A wall of light emerges between me and the pale figure, almost acting like a opening void, from both sides a swarm of locust are released. Running for dear life hoping to get away, hoping to find some safety, behind me I could feel the locust swarm. The further I ran, the more spread out of locust became, most of the insects were dropping dead, leaving a trail of them behind. When suddenly I was stopped, a large white tower stood before me, blocking my path, assuming I had lost my pursuer I walk over and lean on it for rest. As I sat there my eyes grew heavy slowly falling into a sleep.....
    "Missed me?"
    I gasped and screamed opening my eyes, only to late to see the blade through my chest, although rather than bleeding it felt like I was being pulled way from my body into the sword, my aura like body seemed to slowly fade and become human.
    (Yes Amitiel is dead, but he will appear as a ghost through Daminous' sword)
    Last edited: November 10, 2013
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  16. gwen100888


    • Gold
    April 16, 2012
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    The Illness:
    S: It is caused by the ergot virus, which causes hysteria, it is said to be the cause of the Salem Witch Trials, which were truly horrible. Several lives were taken, because young girls accused them as witches. Anyway, that is exactly what is happening in that village, meaning anyone who posses magical powers or shows evidence of being a magical being will be executed, and those who are accused by another are put on trial for wizardry and are sent to execution once proven guilty. We need to stay away from that village, it is only for your protection Grell, and you to Fang, please listen to me just this once.
    G: That sounds like a bunch of bull, but whatever we'll stay away just to be safe.
  17. gwen100888


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    April 16, 2012
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    New World:
    Grell woke up slightly confused
    G: "What a vivid dream" se thought to herself then she turned to her partner Fang, but there is one missing piece, Shadow "I wonder where he could've gone" Then in less than a second Grell staggered to get up, she laughed and smile deviously
    F: Fang aroused from a deep sleep and looked up at Grell, who was smiling deviously for no reason "Good Morning Grell"
    G: Grell laughed again "Heyy, hows it down there" She turned around and loomed over him the devious smile still painted on her face
    F: "Is there something wrong?"
    G: "Oh course not! Same as always~!" The smile on her face transformed into a Cheshire grim
    F: "Yeah sure, you're fine lets go"
    G: "Okayyy~" Grell grabs Fangs hand
    The two walked off together hand in hand
  18. melvin484


    April 24, 2013
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    And like that. Redstar ran. He was terrified, infact he didnt even know where he was or anything.

    So he just ran away from the big giant that looked like freaking cthulu and which Redstar shuddered from.

    "La La La Laity LA!" sang someone in a sing-song voice.
    "Hello..? Ditzy?" wondered Redstar.
    "Why are you singing, and why are you so happy and cheery?" asked someone, not to redstar though.

    And that voice sounded really familiar too.

    "Is that..."

    Redstar bolted down the corner and ran into two people. Not just any two people.

    THOSE two people.

    "Yup, I'm doomed."
  19. ripper34


    October 14, 2011
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    After absorbing the boys soul his lifeless body lied against the white walled tower. The blade I held glowed with a bright white light, slowly fading into a dark black, and moving up into the handle of the blade , making the thread of energy that went through my hands, move quicker and glow brighter, suddenly a small new thread of light emerged and moved with the other thread, one strongly lit, illuminating thread that was colored a dark greenish color, the second being a faint white thread. Looking around to see nothing but the dead body, sniffing the air, the eye on my blade begins to pulsate and looks in a certain direction. Following the sign walking to what seemed to be on the other side of the tower.....
    To be continued
  20. LupusOmegaX


    • Diamond
    February 15, 2013
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    She was here now. I had found her. We might just win this now. Overcome with those emotions, I regained my posture, stood up, and composed myself appropriately. I walked past her up to the gargantuan tower and found a control panel. It was a small black square with the shape of a hand etched into it, which was a stark contrast to the pure, smooth white tower which seemed to penetrate the atmosphere. I placed my palm upon it and a door-shaped red light flashed to my right on the tower wall a couple of times before it stayed as a solid green colour. The wall then melted away where the green light was to reveal an entrance inside. All that could be seen from out here was a bright white light emanating. A massive rush of stale wind blew out too. It smelt like no one had been in there for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. Well really, that couldn’t have possibly been closer to the truth. Even I myself hadn’t been in Eden, personally. I had only read about it in ancient texts. I looked back at Skylar with the light shining behind me in the cold, infinite night and held out my hand.
    “Shall we go?” She stared back at me with wide eyes, then grabbed my hand. When we connected an extra level of senses rushed through me, and I felt that there was a very strong, very… Evil, power nearby. And not just nearby, but within earshot even. Skylar still couldn’t stand up, so I picked her up and carried her on my back inside. Before we were fully in, however, I placed my palm on the control panel again and sealed the door. This seal seemed to be stronger than the original one, as it locked with the symbol of the Three, the same triangle that our eyes had morphed into earlier. It should hold against whatever… Thing was out there. When the door sealed again, the room was pitch black.
    “Lights, on!” I shouted. Suddenly, a warm orange light filled the room. It was still a little dark, however. With the light available, I managed to make out that the room was smaller than the tower made it seem on the outside. It was also very dark, and dirty. Completely unlike the shell. Apart from that this is all there was. A dark, empty room with no entrance to Eden.
    “What? This is it?” I was confused. Had the ancient texts all really just been lies and speculation? Did Eden even exist?
    “Where’s Eden? It’s supposed to be here?”
    Destination: Eden” A robotic voice rang throughout the room, then it started to move.
    Skylar looked shocked at what was happening.
    “Don’t worry. It’s just been an elevator all along.”
    “Oh…” She looked down. “Hey Tita?”
    “Who-…” The elevator stopped, and another door opened. White light flooded from this one too.
    “Ancient humans certainly liked their white light in doorways…”
    I walked through with Skylar on my back, and when we got through, I saw something that was far greater than what the ancient texts did, or ever could tell me. Eden wasn’t just a simple building-complex underground, in fact, there was no real underground. Just a lot of empty space. I walked over to the edge of the walkway that lead from the elevator and peered down. There was nothing there, just a lot of walkways, buildings and at the centre of it all, at the very centre of the planet: A man-made core.
    “The whole planet is… Fake…?”

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