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Great Constuctions

Discussion in 'Help / Support / Guides' started by Wazler, July 26, 2013.

  1. heinz_gruber


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    Hmm this does not please me, my creative plots got wiped. and i dont have time to rebuild anything.[/quote]

    Well it was not my fault that my creative plots were deleted. So i am going to be punished for that?
  2. heinz_gruber


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    The main difference between building in creative as opposed to the main server, is that i already built everything on the main server, as for creative my plots were deleted.

    So whats my motivation to spend time i dont have, building in creative, when i specifically boycotted the creative world after my plots were cleared and focused entirely on main?

    I hear what you are saying, about who build what on main, erm you guys have logblock right? surely that proves who built what, and if there are no logs then it cannot be proven?
    I guess that shoots me in the foot also as my builds have been made and logs no longer count.

    I dont think you really have the players interests in mind with this. I have never liked creative, and classes do not matter in creative, so why tie creative into the craftsmen?

    It is my view that great constructions are when you have had to source materials, plan a build, and then finish it off, not have every block handed to you and fly mode whilst in creative, thats not why i play on this server.

    you may say "but heinz way is unfair for non donors who cannot fly" once again thats a privilege we have paid for so why should it matter?

    I am going to be blunt, i do not like the way things are going. I think a good mcmmo and classes should be priority, but i also think deity should throw creative in the bin. but thats just me
  3. heinz_gruber


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    The edit button was not working. So i made another post.

    Just wanted to make a point, you say how can you prove who built what, if someone built frames and a noob filled them in, so what?

    It does not matter who builds what, as long as only 1 craftsmen claims it as his build at the end of the day.

    My example is i built a nice wheatfarm, while my friends put down some blocks, may of dug an area, i still designed the whole thing from start to finish, and i used my craftsmen class to install a stack of pistons and all the redstone.

    I was planning on using this as one of my great constructions, i wish i had submitted my builds from the last map already instead of this mess.

    I really would not care, however my creative plots were cleared and there is no way i am going to start from scratch, i would sooner just quit.
  4. smcallah


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    Your plots in the new creative world just launched in the last few months were deleted? I have no idea what happened there if that's the case, perhaps someone in the know can comment. But there are other plots that have been on there since the beginning that aren't gone.

    Your personal decision though has no bearing on the direction of the class system however. I'm not sure why you think it would. Not everyone has boycotted it, not everyone is the same as you.

    I thought I had said in an earlier post in the thread that logs from logblock don't last that long. So if you're building something over a month, the logs are going to be long gone.

    Creative is tied into craftsman class because it is a place in which anyone can freely build to the best of their abilities without limitation. And it is the only way that we believe that we can fairly judge a multi-level class system promotion. As all plots are the same size and all blocks are available even to the poorest craftsman.

    And you bring up "sourcing materials" as another player has already. If "sourcing" were only mining what you build with, I would 100% agree with you. But that's not at all what it is. It's also buying from mall shops or DeityShop or having someone collect it all for you. Do you consider all of those things "sourcing?" Then why not consider creative inventory also a "sourcing" point? Yes, I know, YOU have boycotted it. But most others have not. And when ImDeity does release the class upgrades shortly, many people will be building there.

    Please don't assume what I would say, because I would not say that at all. We appreciate donators and don't consider their special abilities in this at all. That would be like saying that a donator shouldn't be able to have a shop as a merchant because it's easier for them to gather resources with fly and asc/desc or that they shouldn't be able to start a town because they get dei for donating.

    I will be blunt as well. The way things are is the way things are.
    ImDeity likes this.
  5. heinz_gruber


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    All you are saying is that unless i decide to build in creative, i cannot upgrade my craftsmen class.

    How is this fair? i dont like creative, my plots were erased. and it sucks big time.

    I had better leave before i say something i really will regret.
  6. mas_destruction


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    All of this is tied into the economy. Which I would think you of all people would want. Sure it's great to be a good builder, but that doesn't mean they should be able to come on the server and rank up within 1 day. They should need to buy from the economy and "source" it. There used to be a time, when I could say selling -- and get a response right away, because the economy was active, and did have more people. But now most people have tons of supplies, but that brings me into the map reset which is different.

    Keep the economy going, and is it really your intentions to allow people to rank up within 1 week? Because it seems very easy if you are a halfway decent builder.
  7. smcallah


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    How is it not fair, exactly? Because YOU choose, PERSONALLY, not to go on the Creative world anymore? You didn't really explain when your plots were deleted as I asked, so it's unfair of you to throw that at me with no explanation when I have given a ton of explanation. Were they even "Great Constructions" since you didn't know it was a class requirement at the time?

    Should someone who chooses the Merchant class but then boycotts the mining world say it's unfair they can't upgrade their class because they have no resources to sell in a shop?

    Should someone who chooses to be Nobility say it's unfair that they can't upgrade their class because they don't want to be an assistant or mayor in a town?
  8. smcallah


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    It takes 5 days to even choose the level 1 class. Then you have to build on creative and be promoted to the right level that counts towards the class upgrade. That's going to take a bit longer than a week to accomplish.

    And there have been people waiting to upgrade for months and months. If they can get to level 2 of the Craftsman class in 1 week because they put the time in since they've waited so long, then more power to them.

    But a new player to the server or a person that switches to Craftsman is not ranking up in a week.

    Also, I want to add a bit about us not being able to use logblock to prove that a build belongs to someone on main:

    Logblock takes a TON of storage space. If you don't know what it does, it keeps track of every block placed, every block destroyed, every item put in a chest, and every item taken out of a chest with the exact coordinates of where this happened and the exact time and day it happened. Nonstop. At the most we have 2 weeks of logblock data. We cannot store logblock data for longer or forever and still log everything else that happens on the server and have SSD space for the all of the world maps and daily backups of those worlds.

    So having said that, say we said, "you can build your great construction on main to count towards your class upgrade and it has to be done from start to finish in 2 weeks from the very moment you start working on it. You need to make sure you notify us before the 2 weeks is up though so we can be ready to judge it before the logblock logs disappear. And every block must be placed by you in the build and show up in logblock or the build is disqualified."

    Would that be fair to people that only play on weekends or not often that still want to be craftsmen? Would that be fair to people if we missed getting to it by just a few hours of the end of the 2 weeks and some of the logblock data was missing? Would it be fair to have to disqualify the whole thing because we can't prove someone built the entire thing themselves?

    In the creative world, your build might get "disqualified" from a rank up or for your class upgrade, but you can still improve upon the SAME build because we know you're the only one that worked on it the entire time it was there.

    In the main world, if we disqualify your build, you'd have to start an entirely new build and have it done within 2 weeks again. Hardly seems worth it, right?

    There is unfortunately no fair way to achieve the "Great Construction" class upgrade on the main world. We could try to mark off an area and only allow one person to build in that area, it's not beyond our ability, but it would require someone to ask for an area and then someone designated in staff to go and mark that area for the person. It can't be automated, because we don't want the main world flooded with protected plots that only belong to one person that we have to clean up all the time. A lot of them being people who play for a week or two, get the Craftsman level 1 upgrade, claim an area and then don't build anything and leave it for us to find later.

    That's why the easiest way to automate it was to create a world where this was the intention. An area to claim that is just for building by that one person. A world that can expand and expand with plots because we don't take up CPU cycles by logblocking everything, having NoCheat running, and anti x-ray running.

    If you don't like building in "creative mode" with all those blocks available, you do have the option of not flying, and you can choose to only use blocks you would have sourced in the main world. No one is forcing you use every block or tons of diamond blocks in a build.

    If you just don't want to build on the DeityCreative world, then you just won't level up the Craftsman class, because that's a requirement. The other classes have requirements as well. Some merchants have never even owned a shop and won't be able to level up without that. I guess they should complain just as much as well. There might be some nobility that weren't made an assistant in the town they joined, so they can't add people to a town. They better start complaining too.
    ImDeity likes this.
  9. heinz_gruber


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    But Smc i have all 3 classes on 3 accounts. None of what you just said has affected me, My plots being erased on creative is what affected me.

    Ok let me answer how they get erased for you.

    My creative plots were erased due to some kind of glitch and this all happened after creative had a ranking system implemented.
    That is all i know. When that happened i promised myself i would not waste another minute in creative.

    But what i do know is that when i joined the server almost 2 years ago, all i wanted was to be a third level craftsmen and have had to wait patiently for it.

    Although now it seems i have to jump through more hoops to get to where i want to be. i simply do not enjoy creative, i find it boring and without challenge.

    Personally i have made plenty of things on main which i would consider a great construction. Time + material + effort = satisfaction.

    I have spent over 2000 hours on main alone. It is the only part of this server that i have any interest in. Is it your intention to steer people away from projects in main?

    As far as i am concerned its another nail in the coffin. And i am sorry if you disagree with any of my points. But that is how i feel.

    I came to the server to build on main. And have my builds seen on the live map.

    My problem is i already have builds that i would of intended to submit for great constructions. If i cannot submit them then it is one less reason for me to follow through and get that 3rd level craftsmen as i originally desired so much

    Having said all of this i am totally open to solutions, one of which i may suggest is that deity let sponsors choose which rank they wish to be without jumping through hoops.

    I am just angry that after all this time i am being forced into playing a game mode which i disdain, in order to get 3rd rank craftsmen.

    Lords and Vendors do not have to play creative to rank up do they?

    The fact craftsmen will, just does not make any logical sense to me.
    mas_destruction likes this.
  10. mas_destruction


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    Would just like to add onto this, I agree completely. The only way I could see this happening, is if the build had to have redstone. Craftsmen are the only class that can use redstone. And now redstone doesn't matter in GC? Like what? Maybe to rank up as merchant, you can just parkour? Redstone costs to place, so I could see creative being implemented if redstone was REQUIRED in builds. Also, every class makes amazing builds on main, not just craftsmen, so I think for craftsmen to have a "Great Construction" it should have to be something only their class can have, redstone.
    heinz_gruber likes this.
  11. smcallah


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    Glitches happen. How can we do anything about that? It didn't happen to everyone. You've made a personal decision because of it that affects your leveling up. How does your specific situation affect everyone else?

    I thought you were saying that someone intentionally deleted your plots.

    People can still make builds on main. What about the class upgrade requirements stops that? You're reading way too much into it. I've already explained the reasoning that they have to be done on the creative world. None of that stops people from building what they want to on main.

    And nothing is stopping that...

    How exactly would we be able to know that you built them all? And not just you, that applies to anyone. Old builds are old builds. I get the frustration about the class upgrades. I'll never experience them for what they are because I'm an admin. I had a shop 2 maps ago and sold enough to upgrade my class. Then the map and economy reset. Happened to a lot of merchants. Same thing with nobility adding people to towns. No one gets past credit for that from 1 or 2 main worlds ago.

    While that may seem logical, we have a lot of people who have donated after only being on the server for a week that break rules and been banned. Basically kids using their parents' money to donate and not caring that they lost $25 - $200 by being banned. I'd rather not have the higher class perks in those people's hands. However, perhaps Deity can be convinced to skip the requirements for level 2 for donators that have met all the other requirements, (post count, hours in game, etc.) At least brand new players that donate won't meet the requirements. I'll suggest that to him.

    I can easily make anyone "gamemode 0" in DeityCreative and give them a limited set of items. But I still don't see what's different about it if you don't fly and limit yourself to a few materials, as far as building something goes. Perhaps there is something I'm not getting...?

    I still don't see what difference that makes. Craftsmen don't have to sell items in a shop or add people to a town either. What does one class requirement have to do with the other? They're different classes, so they have different class specific requirements.

    Would it be better to make all classes have the same requirements to level up? That way, it is totally fair and everyone has to do the same things.
  12. heinz_gruber


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    Well this sounds a little more promising. I would like that very much if you can convince deity to do that, how about if you have spent over 500 hours in game, that way said person has had 500 hours to either prove the player can be trusted or has had plenty of time to try and exploit the game and be caught for the cheaters they are.

    I really do understand you dont want higher powers in the hands of completely new and un vetted players.
    But for someone like myself who has been here for a long long time, i find it so very frustrating that i have to build things that i wont ever see again because they are in creative and not in my town on the livemap.

    Just to clarify why i would choose to build any great construction in survival on main rather than creative, is because i would build something for its function and look to make it an addition to the town and would rather not build it twice, or have more builds to make in creative before i can reap the rewards of a class i have waited 2 years for.

    It is my view that if a Great construction were to be made, and it would require craftsmen specific blocks and items then it would finally make redstone on the server a more valuable commodity. even if its just for placing redstone blocks for decoration or whatever.

    But since redstone and rails etc have always cost money to place, it divides the players between those who can afford it, and those who cannot. so redstone up till now has always been in abundance and relatively worthless in the economy.

    I just personally think the economy would be better served if people had to rank up the class in main. plus not a moment is wasted and every build becomes an addition to town etc xD

    im off to work. thanks for your time smc.
  13. smcallah


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    I don't have a problem if a craftsman's great construction is requested to be copied and put into protected town plots on the main world. As long as that build didn't have any chests or an abundance of rare on the main world blocks. (which I would delete chests and do a count of rare blocks before copying it.)

    I think that problem with redstone value would still exists even with great builds, because it will still cost money to place redstone. It's value will perhaps go up a little as redstone block placement should be a perk of the next craftsman level.

    Thank you.
  14. tchand


    February 18, 2011
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    As far as I can tell the MAIN reason that great constructions are being moved the the creative server is because of fear of liars and logblock files being too large.
    1) Trust the community by the time a player has the ability to create this great construction they have spent many a hour on the server gathering resources or doing something to get dei. By that time they have been found out for exploits/hacks or they don't use them. :eek:
    2) Great builds only accepted if the player makes a "request" for the use of land make it a command similiar to ticket /gb (coords) and a mod/admin will come and survey the land maybe make a certain area only editable by them for a certain time--- solves liars somewhat
    3) define region around coords and have that saved to a seprate logblock file and have that kept until build is done or the player becomes too inactive
  15. smcallah


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    I would like to trust the community, but we had several veteran players that found bugs that would let them duplicate items over and over. People that had been on the server for well over a year. Knowing that our logblock only goes for 2 weeks is not an exploit or a hack.

    I already covered that in a previous post. Too many people will be doing this to have a mod or admin do it by hand. It has to be automated. And automation would lead to too much wild area being claimed for builds by new players not wanting to go far from a portal and then leaving the claimed area when they don't come back to play again.

    There is no such thing as a separate logblock file. Logblock works as described for the entire world on which it is run.
  16. tchand


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    Then write a simple program that ever so many hours runs through and reads the logblock file, pulls out needed information and then puts in a new file.
    Give me a a 100 line snippet of the log block maybe a week and and I will have a java program that will do the pulling of the information how you get it to be automated is your concern.
  17. Overself


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    I would build more on creative if I knew my builds could be copied and moved to main. However on creative I usually use rare blocks but not unobtainables ones for the sole fact that I rarely get to build with them on main. Such as netherbrick, emeralds, quartz,etc. So for some clarification could you possibly make of list of what is too rare to be moved from creative and main. And wouldn't that open flood gates for building with those rare blocks in creative only to have the move transfered then just later tearing it down to sell the rare items. So maybe you could make a list of what not to use to get your builds transfered and if you charge how much it might cost for each creative size plot. And you stated that you would do a count of rare blocks. Does that mean having too many would disqualify your build from being moved. Really just looking for a little more info I'd appreciate any input smc.
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  18. smcallah


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    I'm not sure how reading the logblock files that way solves it. We'd have to compare their logblock data to EVERY other player's logblock data to make sure they didn't overlap in the build coords.

    And if we knew the coords the person was building at in the first place, the point would be moot as we'd likely have a claimed spot where only that player was building. Marking an area to get coords for logblock data would be just as time consuming as marking an area for a person to be the only one allowed to build there. Perhaps I should have said that in my first reply. And in the end, that doesn't solve anything about people who already thought they built a great construction on the main world.

    Our problem is already solved with a fully automated plot system in DeityCreative. Many people know that fact and are working on their constructions already. And like I said, I'll move any craftsman's approved great construction to the main world so that it can exist there for people to see and use outside of creative world.
  19. tchand


    February 18, 2011
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    Except that this would not log each person's you insert a name for the file probably player's name, and the coords and a radius then everything within that radius sould be logged and you could see who did how much and to what extent
    This would remove the need to reserve the spot the person because if they go awol for too long but there is almost nothing build here is this bit of land that cannot be used until a mod personally removes the reserved area, where as with my system you could simply after a period of time of your choosing delete the new log file
    Please correct me if I am wrong but nobody that is not a mod + likes this new system the majority are actively speaking against it and the others are merely submissive. And last I knew movement of builds was charged a fee, and being moved from creative yeah that's gonna be charged due to the fabrication of materials into the world, I who have been playing for two and a half years and have been reasonably active for a a high school student with many AP classes/college courses have never made it to 10k so I might not be able to afford the price to have my build moved but I could with the same amount of dei gather the resources and build it on the main world where it SHOULD be in the first place

    And I could have sworn that I had read on a guide or the wiki or somewhere that the great builds had to flow with the terrain and not just be some quarry mined out the mountain and put something there when they could have gone and found a plains if they wanted something flat. And there is absolutely NO terrrain on creative it is a FLAT world meaning that if I wanted a hill I would have to build the hill myself but I don't want to build a hill I want to find a hill and incorporate it into my design.

    Almost anything can plot down an impressive build on flat area with every block available infinitely the better builder can incorporate the random generation and use his/her precious resources wisely and to their fullest extent
  20. smcallah


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    No flood gates would be open if I'm the one looking over the builds for moving.

    I would count the blocks so I would know how many are there and if it is valid to move without much concern about the amount of rare blocks in there. I would 1) ask the builder to change the blocks 2) change the blocks to something else myself if they want 3) or charge them DeityShop rates for DeityShop items or average mall shop prices for others for the blocks used that they want to move. The only disallowed blocks would be unobtainable that even DeityShop doesn't have, chests (because there might be something in them and I'm not going to check inside all of them in a build), gold ore/blocks, and lava.

    I would only charge for the rare blocks used if the craftsman wants those moved with it. But from the complaints above about creative, it doesn't sound like I have to worry about craftsman wanting to build with any rare blocks, right? :)

    Any easily gathered items (dirt, sand, stone, gravel, clay, wood) I wouldn't charge for.

    Nobody? I'm not going to reply to hyperbole. Lack of people saying something does not mean they are submissive and don't really accept it, nor does it mean the opposite.

    Last I knew, I am an admin that can set the policy of what it costs. If you don't have money on the main world for really rare items, I don't suspect you'll have them in a build on main. Would you build with rare materials just because they're unlimited in creative? If you build something that you would build with the same materials on the main world that aren't rare, I'd move it for free if your build is approved for your class upgrade. Simple as that. If you want to add rare items to it that you already have on main after it is moved, then you can do that. I thought that would be the logical conclusion to what I said.

    And I could have sworn that this change for the class upgrade JUST HAPPENED, so it doesn't matter what you read in a guide or wiki that hasn't been updated since then. Yes, if you want a hill in your build, you'll have to build it. That's what happens when things change, methods change.

    You shouldn't call the other players "things." Anyway, someone in creative can still choose to build with only basic materials. Why do I have to keep repeating that? You don't have to use rare materials just because they're there. We all know that, right? I'm more impressed with a build out of basic pieces than anything built with tons of rare blocks. Who would be impressed by that?

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