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How to make an effective Help Ticket

Discussion in 'Help / Support / Guides' started by Leviathan_Ziz, January 22, 2012.

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  1. Leviathan_Ziz


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    The ticket system on ImDeity is a very useful tool for helping out members who have been a victim of a griefer, thief, or another various rule-breaker. However, many people do not seem to know how to use it that well. So I'm going to waste my 'valuable time' and make this hopefully useful guide. It may seem a little biased since I'm not a moderator, but I'm going off of what I know from tickets that the staff *cough*xSock*cough* have complained about.

    Where and When to make a ticket

    You should make a ticket as soon as you notice the grief, obviously. Don't start complaining on the help channel or global that someone stole your things - most of the responses will simply be "make a ticket". There's also a high chance that no moderators will be online, and if they are, they probably will not just teleport to you and solve all your problems magically. Moderators do not get anything magically done for them and they play as normal players, so most of the time when they are online they are doing something themselves. The tickets are numbered as well, so they are probably going to be doing them in the order of the numbers.

    I honestly believe that a ticket shouldn't be made when ONE piece of dirt or another common block is missing from an area. I guess if this one block sets of a chain reaction or something then it may be necessary, but normally that block can be easily replaced. Obviously one block of a higher value should require a ticket, but probably a more minor one.

    Tickets should be made at the site of the disaster, not in a random place when you finally figured out that you need to make a ticket to get attention. The ticket system allows the moderators to teleport right to the place you made it, so make it in a useful spot. Don't make a cheap one high above the ground to kill the hard-worker, don't place it right in the middle of the griefing, they probably will want it NEXT to the griefing so they are not overcome by the damage.

    What to include in your ticket

    Apparently a few tickets only have a few very non-helpful words or phrases. Like just the word "grief" or "robbed in the last 24 hours". This doesn't tell the staff what your problem is, and it may make them not want want to waste their time even more. When making a ticket - be descriptive! Include what is missing, such as your 50 diamond blocks you placed in a chest in the wild. Or maybe your sweet glowstone lamps in your town have been smashed to bits. Make your ticket sound formal, something that might be worth their precious time. Typing your ticket so that you do not sound like a complete noob may also make the staff more likely to help you in the future.

    Another thing you may want to include is the people who should not be punished, just in case you are not online for the staff member to ask you about it. If you can't fit it into the ticket description, leave a sign or two naming the players. If you are making one ticket for a large grief, which you should, make sure to "hint" that there may be more griefing in the area.

    You also do not have to make several tickets just because your description doesn't fit onto the line of text you are allowed. There is a command, "/ticket comment [ticket number] [message]", that lets you add onto your ticket. Don't open a million tickets for one grief, this only annoys the staff because they have to close all the "spam" tickets you made.


    One of the things that the Noble class can do is check things with "/lb tool", which can possibly help you and the staff with making a ticket and solving a crime. If you're able to get a Lord+ to check where you have been griefed you can add the person's name to the ticket. But a Noble must place a block in order to check where a block is missing, which MUST be removed for a rollback to be completely effective.

    Also, try not to make a ticket when you just need help with something. It's understandable when a command breaks, so that the staff can fix it as fast as possible.

    In closing, if there's a problem that needs help, /ticket it.

    Copy righted by Fraudummkopf, reposted to end the useless conversations in the old topic.
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